Brann - Curios not dropping

At this point i have the theory that looting the 4/4 Zekvir Curio from the random spawnend Zekvir in “normal” Delves instead of his own 1vs1 fight causes this bug. when did you guys loot that?

since i looted that one i didnt got any other curio-upgrades and as mentioned before the 4/4 zekvir curio doesnt count for the Achievement. Is it differently for people that looted the Curio from Zekvir himself in his Delve?

I looted the 4/4 Zekvir curio from a random spawn during a tier 8 delve.

From the latest round of hotfixes:

  • Fixed an issue where learning Relicblood of Zekvir would prevent other curios from dropping.

Special thanks to those who observed this for helping narrow down the issue!

As for the On Brand achievement also mentioned here, another hotfix should hopefully not be far behind: No Credit for Achievement “On Brand”.


You nailed it!!!

ahaha, nice :smiley: whoop, cant wait do finally get upgrades.

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