Brann - Curios not dropping

Brann level 33

Done 4 bountiful delves at t8 everyday since available + 2 Delver’s Bounty. (68 Delves completed in total)

I have Zekvir’s curio at 4/4 because it drops at that and one other at 2/4

Everything else is 1/4 and the curios just don’t drop.

I saw a similar post on the US forums, anyone else having the same issue?


Not only do they not drop but the ones that did drop much earlier didn’t count for the achievement.

Sample size of 50 runs since I got my last one.


Same here, upgrade curios not dropping.
Only relic at 4/4 is Relicblood, which also doesn’t count towards the “On Brand” achievement.
All others are at 1/4.
19 bountiful T8 done this week, Brann at level 32.


Same problem. All my relics are 1/4 except Unbreakable Iron Idol 4/4 and Relicblood of Zekvir 4/4. Not seen a single upgrade for the other and I did plenty T8. Brann is lvl 25.


Thanks, I moved it

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Currently I’m at ~40 bountiful delves done. However, I have yet to see a single curio upgrade drop (besides the Zekvir one). Meanwhile my friends with whom I have done several delves together are close to having all of their curio upgraded to 4/4 while they have done a lot less delves.
I understand they are not guaranteed drops and rng is in place, but with this amount of delves done and not having seen a single upgrade it does feel like this bugged for me/my account.


Same problem for me too.

40+ Delvs, 16-20 Tier 8 delvs done solo and the only drop besides the starting 1/4 ones was the Zekvir 4/4 curio when he randomly popped up in one of my runs. Bran is 33 now and i also tried out if it has something to do with doing a deathless run on 8+ or something but nothing there either. :frowning:

And also reporting in that the 4/4 one doesnt count for the achievement.

Cant imagine something else then it being bugged.


Have done over 20 bountiful delves, have yet to see a single curio upgrade drop. Please fix your game blizzard. Nobody has this bad RNG.


Same to me. Ich have run 50 times. After I get the blood curio no curios is doped anymore. I think it is a bug after the Zekvir curio.


Relicblood of Zekvir doesn’t count for the On Brand achievement so might as well bugs out drops for rest of the curios upgrades.

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Hi all,

As always when there is RNG involved, it can be difficult to pull apart what is simply bad luck and what is potentially broken.

That said, we’ve made some recent adjustments to this which should help, so please do let us know how you get on and if you notice any change.

Many thanks!

Also having the same issue as everyone else. If it’s RNG ok, but what isn’t RNG is the Relicblood of Zekvir not tracking on the On Brand achievement.


Nothing changed for me, still no new ranks this week with possibly 20 runs on tier 7 and 8 while my girlfriend getting new ranks almost every run.


nothing changed, sadly. no drops and the achievement is still broken. :frowning:


Will test after reset and update, thank you for the reply.

Are you able to elaborate on the changes that you implemented regarding this issue please?

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There is some reports on US forums as well. I doubt it’s RNG when so many people reporting this.

Also On Brand achievement is bugged. Relicblood of Zekvir do not counting towards this achievement.


Update: still not dropping after the reset ;( And achievement also still bugged.


4 more tier 8 bountiful delves today, nothing.

I think I’m about done with it all now, I enjoy increases in power whilst playing an MMO, when there’s basically no reward at the end of a delve it’s pointless to continue doing them.

Looks like 74 delves with no curio drops is the limit for me.

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Blizzard probably going to ignore this as other game braking bugs. Weekly quests not reseted. Whole day and they silent here and on US forums.

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I have exactly same problem
I made ALL delves on lvl 8,
50 delves in total and all my idols 1/4

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