Brann Healing and Scaling intended?

It seems that Brann healing is not scaling well, could anyone confim this ?

On my level 80 mage, ilvl 460 with 3400k hp, Brann level 8 and tier 3 delve : h ttps://

Overall the healing is pretty low when you get hit by 350k for one cast and 40k for a melee. Most of his healing is sub 10k, the only stuff usefull are the bandages for 180k and the emergency supplies for 900k. My ice shield absorb 900k.

Now with my level 70 dk, ilvl 467 with 850k hp, Brann level 8 and tier 3 delve : h ttps://

Brann is healing more a level 70 than a level 80, his potions tic at 80-90k then 20-30k wich is considerably more. To put this into perspective some of my death stikes healed me for 180k.

If this is intended, it increase the difficulty to play for some classes that don’t have a lot of healing on demand. For instance rogue and mage.

Edit more details are available here : h ttps://

Something must be off, should I repost this in the bug section ?

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The problem is Blizzards poor scaling technology, since the content is matched to your level. At level 70 you are basically a god in there, but as you level up, all your secondary stats get gradually lower, hence you actually get progressively weaker the closer you get to 80. I did them as Havoc while leveling, and I was oneshotting entire packs with just one Eye Beam. I also had the Manic Grieftorch trinket, and it took 70-80% HP from last bosses. This was on tier 3. Now on max level, a full clear takes 2-3x longer.

I would also assume that Brann scales with your character to some extent, which explains why he heals for much less on max level. It’s not really a bug though, just a problem with their scaling tech. It’s the same problem in open world content. Everything is way harder to kill and more deadly to you at max level compared to 70.

Noticed this doing bountiful delves on multiple characters, his healing on my warrior and druid is fine but when i’m on my mage it’s atrocious. My Brann is level 15, my level 80 mage has 3.6mil hp and Brann’s hot is healing me for 9-10k hp and his flasks heal for 30-40k hp using the same abilities as I was using on all other characters who are also level 80. It just seems broken on my mage, beyond pointless

I looked more into it and it seems to be a bug related to the armor type : warlock, priest and mage are affected

Mage is the class where it hit the hardest due the lack of self healing

Edit : This bug seems to be fixed ! Nice

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