Brann is the penultimate representation of the average WoW player

No damage, below average heals, dispels once in a blue moon, doesn’t dodge mechanics, doesn’t interrupt.
It’s been a true nightmare doing Zevkir ?? with you old man. Blizz. Please. Let me choose an alt to play with instead of him. Anything but Brann.


if below average heals means one pot 100% heals me then i want a heal like brann


Yeah, man, it’s so fun chasing after these pots when he spawns his add, but Brann decided to throw them where you were five seconds ago. Why can’t he just throw them directly at me? Maybe it’s his old man aim.

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Man that’s awful. I wonder if the delves are tuned around his limited capabilities.

Imagine not being able to kill zek and blaming the npc.


When that NPC is almost my only source of healing and dispels which he can’t even do properly, yes, I’m gonna blame him.


He just doesn’t want to throw a potion and mess up that awesome beard. It’s your own fault dude.


Sorry I don’t have enough internet points to appease your chronically online brain. Go back to reddit.

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Solo’d almost all the delvs to T7 on this low geared monk and got all achieves for 0 deaths thanks to Bran. Yep he gets annoying but if you want to rush it things to wrong. Take it at a good pace and things go right.

Then I tried a T8 and I just could not solo it. Both lvl 15 Bran and myself kept getting two shotted. Should mention I only came back to the game about 3 days ago. I decided to try a group for the T8 bountiful delve and guess what ? Tank kept blowing us up at every opportunity he could.

After that experience I can assure you I prefer Bran over a pug any day. Flaws and all. The LFG tool is like a casino slot machine. You never know what’s coming next.

Brann is actually much better than most of the m+ pugs…

As a healer its litteraly impossible to kill zekvir ?? With this Brann

Stay in the zone getting fear, no interrupt, no focus on the spider cocoon etc

Blizzard fix this make brann as a hunter pet with the pet bar with orders plus “automatic” as it is now.

Or remove brann

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Spec dps, its not convention to kill bosses by healing them to death.

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I m a healer , i never played shadow p. And I don t want to.

I success to down kekvir to 70% so the spec is not an issue

The problem is branntard

Are you going to say the same thing to a B DK " spec dps , tanking is not bla bla bla"

No, they do damage and have a kick and are quite capable of doing it.

So are you saying there is no problem with Brann?

There are a few problems with Brann, none of which will change a priest (without an interrupts) ability to kill zekvir.

I just demand to improve the focus of brann to dps cocoon because my dps with smite and holy fire is not enough

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I agree :smile_cat:

Now if I was a meanie and looking for internet points so I can get my Reddit cred up I’d have posted “git gud” but I’m not like that.

I will however type “improve your playing skills my good chap”

And here is a completely random picture of a tennis ball.


I like Brann. I use permanent tricks of the trade to make him my tank and avoid having to heal entirely. Rogues self sustain is so bad it’s the only realistic option for Delves.