Brann not getting EXP

Ive ran a few delve today and Brann is not getting any Experience. I do get “Tokens” in my inventory named “Chunk of Companion Experience”, but i am not able to redeem them in any way shape or form.

They’ve capped Brann’s experience at level 15 for the time being because people were getting his power too high (level 25+). It sucks but just keep hold of the exp tokens and I’m sure we’ll be able to use them once they undo the cap either with the release of the expansion to everyone, or for Season 1 (hoping after early access)

do we keep the XP then, i have almost 2 bags including ALTs… shouldn’t they hotfix to give another thing like a resonance crystal instead… .i mean that would be obvious right… they haven’t so… do we keep this stuff

after lvl 15 he only get xp from yellow chest version of the delves ( bountiful delves)

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