BRD Bots are insane

Blizzard please get your sht together and do something against these brd bots.
You just need to stand at the entrance and you see 5 hunter bots per seconds falling through the mountain and entering the instance.

WTB Gamemasters


They must make up for about half the subscriptions though, big bucks to loose, maybe that’s why they are so carefree and out in the open, low risk of bans.

If lets say a guild of 30 members report you for doing something just to be a-holes would you feel safe about not being suspended/banned?

Now think how many reports these bots must have each, some people report them daily/ask their guilds to do it but they remain in game?

Weird huh

But it might just be my suspicious gnome brain

Really wish i could see what they were doing in BRD.

What I also find weird is they all have really low lvl pets, level 50 hunter bot with level 40 pets

Wonder if they are in teams rather than solo farming inside

For the same reason every soloer does, arena runs, coins etc.
It’s kite glitch paradise like DM and 150XP Bonus.

And they want to avoid getting mass reported like in open world.

No they farming solo. They flyhack inside the dungeon and dont get any damage from mobs and just aoe them down, it’s possible even naked.

You can see how mages did it in stockade in phase 1 and 2:
I didnt find any full vod of brd bot farm but its the same logic as that stockade video

plants bot in azshara are crazy too there’s 50of them in every layer

Too much effort to hire 1 guy to clean up these zones/dungeons that are perma botted

how hard is it. Tried to lvl my alt rogue in TN. Like 20 hunter bots killing turtles.

Sadly i Think it works like this…

EvilBlizzCapitalist be thinking hmmm…20 paying subs vs one paying sub

Bottom line is :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag: rules

Sort of telling that they are so blatantly out in the open getting zeppelins etc standing in front of lots of players who report them, yet nothing happens

Suppose they wouldn’t be there if no one was buying there gold, they must be selling tons of the stuff to players.

The amount of botting in BRD is quite overwhelming at the moment. It seems that Blizzard hasn’t made much effort to address the issue and not just in terms of banning the bots, but also preventing it from happening in the first place. For example, flyhacking doesn’t trigger an automatic ban. It’s surprising and a bit disheartening that this is allowed to continue. While I understand the financial aspect, it feels a bit disingenuous when they claim they are “trying to fight bots.”

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