Breaking through bgb 1600-1700 purgatory?

I’ve been stuck between 1600-1750 mmr and rating for a while now. I’m used to playing at higher mmr with where ppl know what to do. Normally I get a good streak after a while but this time I’m already over 100 games played and I just can’t break through this mmr purgatory. Whenever I almost break through, I get a three-four game losing streak with bad comps or ppl that run to an uncapable base with flag, don’t communicate, etc. I have no idea what I can do, considering a win gives me 9 rating and a loss drops me 12-15. Does anybody have the same problem but managed to break free?


The answer is duo queue

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Improve your gameplay.

Your spec and stats are not meta. Remove the crit.

See here.

And see here for a guide on all maps and how to carry them.

For more impact on the game reroll a healer or duo queue.

Looking at your current pvp exp you are kinda at the mmr where you always were arena wise.

Bot teammates are a problem. But it is possible to carry games at that rating even alone.

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Duo queues, or you need to lead the people, with actual solid strats. I went through the purgatory, my first game that was above 1.8 mmr was at game 51, so I crawled through all the piss all the way to 2.4, and I did it solely through communication and guiding people on what to actually do, plus some plays, which is ofc easier as a stealther. As a warrior, you have barely any influence on the game.

It’s impossible without duo-queueing and luck.

And keep in mind that personal skill is not really a factor in blitz.

I managed to push my solo char quite fine above 2.5kcr and to strategist. This one was duo queued to 2.4kcr.

You must have been extremely lucky, then.

A healer in pocket is the way to go.

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Same I made a ret pala and solo all the way to 3.2 mmr without a single duo, he’s now at 2.7cr

Not true, I have 4 characters above 2400 CR and I’ve never queued duo.

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Thank you! However, that doesn’t change the fact that the randoms run around like headless chickens. I’ve always hated arena so never did it, but I was in rbg’s guild for a long time where I was a solid backup (Having an intense real life job always made me fall behind on mmr, but that doesn’t change my reading of the game).

It is a bit of RNG but you can get out. Play objectives and learn what is your winning condition in each BG. I’ve played games at 2.8mmr where people don’t pick up orbs in the panda BG

Which highlights that Blitz is pure RNG.

Honestly it feels like I’m playing slotgames sometimes haha. Like if you have a losing streak you keep trying “one more” cause surely you can’t be that unlucky :joy:

Yesterday at 2k mmr we had a healer who had 4 greens and some PVE junk on him. We actually won somehow, but it feels kinda inconsiderate to enter a “rated” activity with that kind of gear.

Most of my BGB games are pretty close though, which is a fun change from normal random BGs where one team usually dominates while the losing team looks like they entered a BG by accident and actually wanted to do something else lol.