Brewmaster Monk has been forgotten

Brewmaster is even now cannon fodder. Still nothing… Nothing!!! in 11.1


Please stand in line behind Demon Hunters, Monks had rework earlier this year, while we just recently celebrated 1 year anniversary of no changes (minor hotfixes and two talent changes notwithstanding).

Also, you might want to share some more valuable feedback by specifying what makes Brewmaster cannon fodder in your eyes.

Explain me which rework we got earlier this year? Dh was the most played tank over all S4 Dragonflight so maybe you can give some sense to your words.

Since your confusion seems genuine, here you go:

  • Monk - July 2024
    Monks got a complete rework for the The War Within release, including completely revamped class tree and updates to the class tree. The changes therefore occurred with the release of the current expansion’s pre-patch 5 months ago, on 23 July 2024.
  • Demon Hunter - November 2023
    The last overhaul Demon Hunters received occurred in patch 10.2, dated 7 November 2023.

Sure, S4 VDH was on the top of charts, but that was caused by end-of-expansion inflated stats which made their playstyle more than viable in dungeons, plus the vast array of crowd control abilities that has since not only been curbed and nerfed on the DH side, but also generally made nearly useless in the new environment where only Interrupts prevent spell recasts.

Besides, speaking of the past is meaningless when DH is currently a below average pick.

Since I play both Vengeance and Brewmaster in M+, compared to Demon Hunters Monks play well now. What Monks need is numbers tuning, minor tweaks, and bug fixes - something that comes a bit later in the patch development cycle.

On the other hand, Demon Hunter design is outdated for the current state of the game. Demon Hunter is the last hybrid (not pure DPS) class whose core talent tree has throughput talents. You know it’s flawed design when the DPS spec has to pick tanking talents to progress down the tree.

Class tree is similar to the one of DF with some new talents. But explain me why I want a revamped class tree when our problems are on the “revamped” spec tree, which has several useless talents.

Yes and no. Number tuning and dont know if you would consider that as minor tweaks, but have 5 useless talents on spec tree. With other 3 not even close to be used only for niche situations.

I played VhDH recently and consider that needs some rework on spec tree to change the accesibility to certain talents and tunning. But the gameplay seems to be complex and funny. You have to play it perfect on its actual state but should need to be able to resist more of the lil windows between the rotation of defensive CDs

What I pretend to tell you is that the fact of getting a revamped talent is useless if it doesn´t work, which is what happens with current spec tree, which ends up degeneratin our rotation

Yeah, Brewmaster has been the worst tank for some time now and is completely neglected.
To me it’s quite clear that blizz is spread too thin and they simply do not have manpower to adjust all the classes that need help, or management is incompetent, most likely both.

Hopefully all the classes than have been neglected receive some attention in 11.1

But looking at how prot pally in untouched, and they even nerfed prot warrior (WTF?!) it is not looking too bright. Tons of feedback is out there, they just choose to ignore it.


There is diffrence one rework made vengance ultimate S tier tank, other change nothing for brew.

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I’d be happy enough if we the class wasn’t tuned so badly that mastery is virtually useless because the class doesn’t scale properly with attackpower.

Currently sitting at 15k versatility and the way mastery works for tanks, if attackpowerscaling was reasonable, it should outperform versatility by a mile now as it does for other tanks. Yet it’s still a lot worse. This is not only bad by itself, but a strong indicator that we’re going to have a problem next tier when attackpower from ilvl gain will scale up exponentially and all the other classes will benefit from this while BrM does not.

And lets not even mention the non-existing haste scaling.

Two out of 4 stats being useless makes playing the spec kinda depressing.
The itemization for BRM is just awful and looking at the 11.1 loot tables it’s going to get worse. Because the best available trinkets for tanks happen to have haste on them (good for all the other tank specs who have a splendid time with haste). But there are no crit/vers rings available next tier, monks can’t use 2-handed maces (though 1-handed appear to be fine?), the tier set has 4 items with haste and cantrip effects are still nerfed for tanks for some reason (which is a bigger disadvantage for tanks that already have versatility as their best dps stat)

I think one of the biggest problems brewmaster has is that they are designed thematically as an evasion tank that rolls with the punches like a drunken master. The biggest problem with this is mechanically those two concepts work against each other as the more you dodge the less stagger you have. This makes us really weak against lots of smaller hits while the stagger mechanic itself makes us great against bosses and large hits that cant be dodged.

I think one thing that they could change to improve brewmaster would be to change the way our mastery works. I think the best option would be to make it work like a reverse dampen harm. So the less damage an attack does the more the damage is mitigated, but the bigger the hit the less damage is mitigated. This would mean we still get some benefit from our mastery on heavy hits but retains the need for defensives but also mitigates a lot of the smaller hits making us stronger to the bigger pulls of lots of smaller mobs in dungeons, while rolling it all into stagger as our main mitigation.


Having test some 12 in PTR here is my feedback :

  • change on CB is good, it really help having a max / half purified chi with BC when you engage a pack or when tank buster comes but …
  • it is still at best only 40-45% of my HP bar and it is still depleted really quickly
  • change on niuzao are pointless because the way niuzao work. We dont need stagger damage prevention we need increase stagger during niuzao.
  • even if niuzao was good, walk with the ox and improved niuzao won’t be taken because there are straight bad talent
  • we still have issue with large pack and none of the recent change tend to address the lack of scaling in big pull from our defensive
  • brewmaster bring nothing and it is one if not the weakest in dps area
  • tier set is bugged and is consumed by BoK cleave from ST

I am a bit confused about change on ptr because for me the main problem from BrM is the way stagger perform in raid and that buffed BrM survivability could end of BrM able to solo tank in raid (like princess for example in nerubar palace). Yet in M+ with have issues on big pull which will likely not happen in raid. If mastery is the way to go on big pull (because right now no tank buster are dodgeable) why just not increase mastery efficiency and increase healing sphere generation when there are multiple ennemies ?

I dont think this two changes would be game breaker.