Brewmaster monk

Hey all was thinking about bring my brewmaster monk out of retirement as really enjoyed him in SL. How are they in season 2? Are they viable for all content?

Thanks in advance.

If you do not mind playing a tank in PvE that is slightly more complicated than the rest of the tanks available, and that you have more buttons to press than most specs out there then yes, Brewmaster definitely worth playing.

They are really good in raids (always will be due to stagger) and they are competitive in M+ if you know what dungeon mechanics you have to be careful of and prepare cooldowns for.

Do keep in mind that with the changes they have made to Brewmaster tanking you have gameplay elements seeping in from Blood Death Knights. With our passive Celestial Fortune having a decent crit level makes 3-4 of our orbs be able to top us up from low health to top.

PVP I cannot comment on. Blizzard has a trek record of wanting to exclude tanks from that game mode, so I reckon we aren’t doing that well there.


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