Brewmaster tanking

I have a question for you guys, who do mythic and raid about how well you are doing so far? Because, I’m thinking of trying to get far with my brewmaster monk, but there’s also something I should be aware of?

I did managed to get my curve and 2550 rio (for now) on my Brewmaster. We started to do +20 keys with my group and to be fair, outside of some outliars, like the third boss of Jade serpent, damage is not a big deal. The situation of Brewmaster is far better that it was before the 10.0.5 since we now have the tools to sustain ourself. And it’s nice to be on par with DPS on packs. Even in ST, i manage to do 30k-35k dps.

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Sounds very good, thank you :sunglasses::+1:

To be good at brewmaster, for dungeons atleast, you need to be aware which packs are going to be dangerous, as your tankiness on these, packs rely entirely on cooldown usage. Outside of that if you have enough crit then you have access to some decent levels of sustain from your healing orbs, but it is slightly rng.

That said against physical damage you are innately tanky against, and with our increased health pool it means you do not need to tailor your gear that defensively (unless you are slightly behind the gearing curve). Going for trinkets that have a mixture of offensive, and defensive power are the way to go in most cases.

I personally run with an offensive one and one that is good for both, like the icon (if there, are others who also use it) or the trinket from the first raid boss, eggnog.

Keep in mind the button bloat we have right now though before you decide to jump into the spec. We have a lot of buttons to use (atleast 6 rotational abilities and 4 cooldowns). On top of that we have utility abilities, on use items like trinkets, health potions, healthstones. A full skillbar like that can feel pretty overwhelming to get used to, and it is quite tiring at times.

So far I had little issues doing 20 keys and tanking mythic after the first month when we got some heavy tuning. Even before that these were doable, but the margin of errors you could make were incredibly small compared to other tanks.

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This is very useful information thank you very much! :smile:

You won’t go wrong at all with playing Brewmaster. But as things have already been well established by @Kyoth, I wanna add a bit to it as well.

Stagger as a mechanic is quite amazing and strong. But not initially. I usually often main the typical hit-and-shield tanks like warrior or (formerly) guardian druid, so when I got into BrM, it was an incredibly confusing experience at first. But after some understanding, it gets even easier.

When playing BrM, it can be a button bloat nightmare but no one will blame you - not even pugs - for trying to reduce it. Talents like Special Delivery over Rushing Jade Wind, not picking Healing Elixir etc. can help a lot if you struggle. Eventually you’ll come to pick what talents you like as you adjust.

Keep in mind your cooldowns as well. It’s easy to fall into the trap of cleansing stagger too soon and in particularly big packs or iffy bosses that have very strong tank deleting abilities, it will probably spell your doom if you have nothing to counter it. Normally, stagger will do half the work for you but do not be lax in that part!

Otherwise you’ll be fine. Persevere and work with your group! It can be spicy to see a BrM’s hp drop all of a sudden, but that’s why we have our tools to counter that. Celestial Fortune goes a very very long way of helping our sustainability and the strange lack of understanding of it can scare yourself or your party at times.

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