Brewmaster Upgrades and Nerf DF

Hey !
Blizzard i dunno who is in charge of brewmaster spec in the devs’ team, but is he high as hell?
Butchering Self healing/Survavibility, ok its fine we still have a good dps, Oh no finally dps getting butchering too.
Solution ? Giving 5 sec more uptime on tier set 2P Rythm, buffing Pretense of Instability that we dont and will never select in tree talent.
Buffing Celestial brew and gift of the Ox are good but no consistent self healing, only some burst healing on damage inc.
And Stagger is still really not well coded, getting blasted by magical damage way more then other tanks, our HP is way too low comparate to other tanks and seeing our healthbar going down way faster then any other tanks without any way to getting back from it without some backup healing. Revert the nerf to Strength of Spirit for Expel Harm to make it strong at baseline when low health, instead of having Gift of the Ox that, ‘‘maybe’’, will have proc and give us more healing on time needed.
All tanks are self sufficient on healing except brew…
Anyway i really hope they do something about those problems instead of buffing some talents/set we dont even care about before the M+ season 1 on DF begins, if not, once again like in Shadowlands season 4, we gonna have to reroll, since no one will take us for pushing in higher keys :D.


Agreed. Brewmaster feels so good to play, yet is so much worse than any other tank… even just pulling 5 mobs while questing my active mitigation / expel harms etc. is barely enough to keep my health from dropping. And if there’s magic damage in the mix, good fkn luck with that.


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