Brilliant idea - Forum App

There are no particular issues like “this doesn’t work” or “this is broken”, it just doesn’t work very well. It’s like back in the days when the web wasn’t designed for phones at all. There’s just annoying issues, like scrolling just doesn’t feel right, there’s odd spacing/placement etc. Navigation through a longer post is just annoying as well.

Edit: yeah that’s what I mean, it’s barely usable.

Picture 1:
I can see exactly 2 forum sections, there’s so much wasted space, the buttons take up more space than the actual content.

Picture 2:
the blue buttons waste so much space, the nav thing is wasting so much space, all the extra information next to your name is cramped in there, about to burst out of its seams

Picture 3:
I can’t even read your name because “Replying…” is getting more space. I’m assuming it’s because you’re replying to yourself but that’s really hard to grasp from what’s shown there.

I guess we have different ideas about what is or isn’t an issue. Ofc I can see far more on my PC on the massive screen.

You see this as unusuable and I see it as a fully functioning site without issues.

Never understood why everything needs to be an ap.

Twitter, YouTube, Reddit…I don’t have the apps installed, I access it though my browser.

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This forum is based on Discourse, afaik. Discourse has an official app where you can add different “communities”.

Just add the WoW-forum url as community, and done?

No idea what the advantage of it is, but eh.

Anyways, a Blizzard-specific app for the Forum? I don’t see the point. Web-apps work fine 99% of the time, especially for such basic thing as this.

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I look at it based on being a webdeveloper as it has been my profession for the past 13 years.

I’m not dismissing your criticism, I just don’t agree with it. It’s fine to think it should be different but my idea of something not working/functioning and yours are very different, that’s all.