Brilliant idea - Forum App

Blizzard should make an forum app for us so that we can check the forum anytime and anywhere on our phone.
And also it can give us instant notification when someone replies to us.
Blizzard is a rich company they can make an app for us in no time.
Do we need it? What do you think?

It’s called a mobile web browser.


I’m not sure but there used to be a fan made app. But as Someoneelse said, you can just use the phone browser.

It is outdated. We need something new.

I do use it but I dont like it. It is hard to follow a thread I have commented on.
I have to scroll down to find it and it takes time. Want to find a thread from 2 weeks ago in General?
Yeah good luck on that. On the app they can make a list ‘All threads you commented on’ and you can go there and check the thread for new replies.

And also they can make a search function on the app. Just search the name of the thread and it will show up.
We dont have that yet here.

Blizzard can also make it so we can delete someones post if we dont like it.

How is it outdated? It works better than the PC one.

Pretty much all my posts are done on my phone

if only we could do that now…


You can bookmark posts if you want, but if a thread wasn’t commented on for two weeks I’d rather people don’t necro it.

Already exists

You can ignore someone to not see their posts, or are you just blatantly trolling now?


It is my opinion. We forum members should remove posts that are insults, like yours.
Your insulting me by saying my opinion is trolling. It is best for you to delete your post before it gets flagged. Thank you.

Take a few seconds to think on that and then get back to me on why it’s the stupidest thing people will ever read on this forum.

No seriously. have a real good hard long think.

There is an app for discourse if you really want one. Just look for it on the App Store or Google Play.

You will never get moderator powers for obvious reasons.

I prefer to use a browser on my mobile.

Blizzard could not able to make good web forums, they finally outsourced it to the third party.

At this point I think that the only thing Blizzard was ever good is creating PC games. Everything surrounding games is mediocre at best.

The WoW forums are really hard to use properly on mobile devices. I’ve tried several times, it’s just clunky and buggy. Whatever they did with styling also breaks content at times.

I don’t really see the point, pretty much any device that can run apps has a mobile internet browser…

To put it plainly : We don’t need an app for everything.

That’s the job of moderators, not of users. We should never have the option to delete/remove posters from others, because then whoever logged in the most or read a post first would have control on what appears on the forum.

And this is exactly why this will never happen. If that already counts as an insult, 90% of posts will be deleted and the forums are dead.
On top of that, do you really think that would work? So if i decide i dont like you, and i just make it my goal to delete every single post you make, effectively blocking you from using the forums, that would be how youd want it right?
Because that is what this would turn in to.

And im not saying you would do that, or that i would do that, but all it would take is a handful of people and tadaa, forums are controlled by the Deletion Mafia.

I don’t have any issues on Chrome or Firefox on mobile with the forums. What are you using?

Safari in this case, but it wasn’t any better with firefox on Android. The mobile version is just an afterthought.

How odd, I have no idea what the issue is then. I find there is no difference between the two. One is just smaller and my suggestive text gives me a headache at times with what it thinks I am trying to write :rofl:

This is what it looks like on my phone