Remove healers = faster ques. Yes or no?
What do you think?
Remove healers = faster ques. Yes or no?
What do you think?
Give us rated 1v1 shuffle too. And nerf aimed shot.
I support your idea of 1v1 shuffle but I dont want to meet tanks and healers in there.
I also support your idea of nerfing aimed shot however then it needs to have unlimited range.
And how would games last more then 5 sec?
Meta slaves will only Q the best Dps specc, and this clearly favor speccs with immunitys and selfheal
Health pool increase by 1000% ?
Even better idea remove two dps insanely fastest queues!!
Condense the number of brackets or make it so pre-mades can queue as a duo or something in regular arena shuffle. Shuffle brackets are just leeching player count massivley off the regular 2v2, 3v3 and rbg brackets since skill entry is marginally lower due to it being whoops all randoms.
no. pvp without healers is a zergfest
also rogue mage lol
This can backfire surely and wont even take a week before it does.
I thought about this too, but I didn’t want to say it because it’s basically a blasphemous statement in the PvP community
I agree, Solo Shuffle changed into Mongoloid madness.
In the other brackets no, i strongly support removing healers from shuffle.
They should make real good bot healers. Both teams will need to have a bot healer to make it fair.
which would make many specs for example warriors or boomkin completely useless. Great idea.
It’s not about healers.
It’s about WoW’s 20 year old “MMR” system.
Nobody wants to lose 40 points for going 2:4, to then gain 15 points for going 4:2.
There are many modern online games with great ranking systems that feel rewarding. WoW system feels PUNISHING.
Also, who tf can even play WoW PvP? Unless you have been playing WoW for years there is no way you’re going to do PvP. Incredible difficulty and encyclopedic amounts of knowledge needed for what? Punishing rating system with a Mog as a reward?
If we had more than 1k ppl playing PvP, we would not have to sit 30 min ques.
Indeed an amazing idea, especially for classes who won’t survive 10 sec without healers.
If they manage to fix MMR so more healers will play and queue times will drop to a acceptable time, then maybe participation will increase. But yeah currently it’s about a 1000 player per hour playing solo. 155 lobbies per hour on average. But this number is heavily nerfed by lack of healers.
Fixed it!
There alrdy where some rly insane good ele bots a view season ago where they played on the highest level until a ban wave hit them
So that is a possibility
thats not the problem of the system at all. Thats how mmr works. You can also get 40 points for losing 2:4 it just depends on your mmr. Id say climbing in arena works pretty well (unless you are a healer and the enemy healer has lower mmr for some reason but thats a rare special case).
In general if you are good enough you will climb. System works fine.
What doesnt work is that every season rating means something different. This season 2400 in shuffle is pretty good while 2 years ago 2400 was kinda “free”.
its mostly about the dps/healer ratio and not really about how many people are playing. Shuffle was extremely popular in DF S1 and ques were pretty much the same as right now.
Maybe this is better: Before you join you will be asked to choose:
Apolis, your idea is the greatest in this thread. However I have some questions. If you choose not to play with a healer in your team should you still meet healer teams or only meet enemy teams that does not have a healer either?