Bring back 3 loot drops in M+

What a weird statement to write, it feels like you represent people other than yourself :smiley:

To stay on topic:
Blizzard needs to rework their gearing system, it is still not noob friendly. Just give this system to somebody who haven’t play Wow for a while, and most likely you’ll receive a feedback of: “what the heck is this?”

Gazillions of currencies and upgrade track that overlap + some weird drop behavior for some gear track.

If you really want to ensure player progression is rewarding. Then your item should have 1 upgrade track only from 0 to X (same as the doublon gear basically) and you should be able to get at least 1 piece of gear from a maximum of 3 dungeons runs (which is basically around 1h-1h30 and more than enough play time for a lot of people).

No, just lower it to 1 :v:

Legion had it but was removed season 3 and i would support it coming back only for +3 a key. You might want to fact check before you post.

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Sure, but then mythic raid will drop hero track gear instead and only give myth track from the vault.
Either that or make keys from a certain level drop myth track instead and have only the last 4 bosses of the raid drop myth track(in the amount you suggested)

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I get that, but then it’s an educational problem. If you aren’t spamming +8 and above, both Champion and Hero track ends at 619.

Is it though? Why? Why can’t we have clear separation on what the gear says: I have cleared more difficult content for this. In your own admission, you say that Myth track already achieves that. But why can we have something between “I can get this with basically no effort” and “I can get this if I commit 20 hours a week to this single character”

For me, that is what Hero track should be. A reward for a reasonably high challenge. And next season +6 isn’t it.

I have 636 in my main. Nothing special, but enough to feel like it’s a “finished” char.
I want to stop them getting Hero gear if the challenge is not even close to Heroic raiding. Which it is not.
And it’s especially an issue that they don’t need them at all, since both Champion and Hero cap at 619 with Runed Crests.

Mate, I have zero addons installed and haven’t checked a single talent build or M+ route in the past 5 seasons. I am such an elite, right?

That’s my point. Getting Champion amd Runed is fine. Getting Heroic on +6, which is essentially M0 from SL/BfA seasons, it’s too much, in my opinion.

Yeah, I get that a lot. My views aren’t very common or popular.

That’s the thing. You just did the opposite. You say that player progression should be rewarding, to me (correct me if I am wrong) that sounds like you want to reward stale gameplay.

If you can get the item that upgrades to the max, then you just do the lowest content and upgrade from there.

I know that your point is that the upgrade currency will come from higher difficulty, but in effect you are still encouraging (people to spam lower end content to get the base item. Like they did in SL and DF S1.

The current system is very complicated, but it is effective and “bulletproof”.

Wow there pall, you wouldn’t actually want people to gear too fast or something would you?

You know, gearing your character fast and then logging out because the game is boring or something… Or even worse, playing a second character…

The people who do loads of m+ would get an unfair advantage over those who don’t…


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