Bring back 3 loot drops in M+

Yay? Or Nay?

What say you WoW Eu forums

I am in favour of the 3 loot drops like back in Legion and BFA


I say yes.


Yes, im in favour


yes. there was no reason to remove it


Considering that often in two weeks of running 8 M+ I’m not getting a single item drop that is actually of use and only about 1 item drop in every 4 dungeons, leaving the Vault as the only other option for gear, which is often also useless - yes, we definitely need more drops, especially now that the “free token” for 2000 rating will be turned into a useless catalyst charge, which just makes it even harder to get items for the right slots…

I don’t get why devs are so stingy with loot; the faster I’ve geared a char, the faster it actually becomes fun to play them… or to go and gear the next char instead, while not making progress gearing one char over the duration of several weeks is just demotivating.


Don´t even get me started on the vault… I could write an entire thesis on my hatred for that thing


3 drops from m+ dungeons and 12 drops per raid boss kill (3 per 5 players). Make it equal, raid is already half what m+ gives.


Yes, as long as every other content also increases by a similar percentage to keep the balance.

Except mythic raid, since you can’t drop myth-track anywhere else :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I am however in total favour of boosting all hero-track drops. It is tedious having a 40% chance of loot.

I agree.

WoW was best when it showered you with gear, and you felt good just getting stuff.

One of the best things in Legion/BFA.

ofc give us more loots!

Unpopular opinion, I disagree totaly wile I hate the way loot is now, more loot really isnt much better.

So my reasoning for this is time spent right, so with more M+ loot you have more chance of getting your bis and that am down for, but the issue for me is by week 3 or 4 your done if you are a no lifer like myself I can gear up a toon super fast and I end up losing intrest in the game get borde and go off and play somthing else a army of alts really dose nothing for me.

I would much rather go back to the valor system of where i can earn “points” then buy the items I want that way I can farm and feel progress and work on my toon rather than be done in like a month then just lose intrest.

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Next season, we’ll get end-of-run hero track gear starting at M+6, so most of us will be able to start grinding hero gear in the 1st week, like back in Dragonflight. People complained in Dragonflight that gearing up was too quick and too easy. At least this time we’ll have 6 myth track levels, so it’ll take longer to max everything out. But having 3 end-of-run rewards from M+ would be way too fast.

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In all the guilds I’ve been in, no one ever complained about getting free and easy gear people actually liked it. The friends I played with for years, from private servers to Dragonflight, quit in The War Within because of how hard it is to get gear and do content for it.

In Battle for Azeroth, no one I played with whined about Titanforging, Warforging, Essences, Corruptions, or too much loot it was just YouTubers and forum dwellers.

They listened to Asmongold and Preach, but look how that ended they don’t even play anymore.

Now I’m still here, playing the game they criticized for reasons I enjoyed, while they’re gone.

^^ This

Raid already feels very unrewarding in comparison to M+


Gearing in DF was boring because we easily got full heroic track gear from spamming m+ in the first week, which made progressing the heroic raid feel very unrewarding.

IMO the m+ vs raid reward balance in TWW S1 was actually good. The problem was that delves gave too much.

We’ll see how TWW S2 will feel. I’m a bit worried that the heroic raid will feel pointless like in DF.

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If it’s like back in Legion then you need to +3 it for 3 end-of-dungeon chests? That honestly rarely ever happens, does it?

…also, can we keep the raid reward comments out of the M+ reward topics?

We need to be honest: Hero track gear for free is good for the game. It lets less skilled players feel like they’ve accomplished something. You may think it’s pointless, but if you want a challenge, you can always do Mythic.

In the end, everyone wins because the game is about fun. The most fun expansions were the ones with easy content and free gear. It may sound strange, but that’s just how it is.

You can say DF gear was boring, and maybe it was for you. But for less skilled players, it was a great expansion. And by the way, you can have hero gear day 1. It’s not the gear you’re after; it’s the challenge you can overcome with it.

Now imagine this scenario: you’ll get Hero track gear day 1 from spamming M+ in Season 2 of TWW. That’s not bad, why? Because you can literally start pushing M+ keys or clear HC raids faster and go straight to Mythic.

Less skilled players will have an easier time progressing through HC raids. It will speed up the game, but everyone will have fun because it will feel rewarding. If someone quits, that’s completely okay because for every quitter, there’s a player going on an alt and doing the content again because they find it fun.

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: What a simple and gullible view this is.

Free gear is not fun. Giving out rewards for zero effort is not fun. It may entertain a lower intelligence, triggering the part of brain that tricks you into thinking you have achieved something.

For those who actually play because they enjoy the classes, desgins and mechanics, free loot is instead insulting.

Yes, but you need to understand that what you think is free gear for others is actually an accomplishment for them. You need to get out of your bubble. There are people struggling to clear content, and to them, that gear whether it’s from a +6 key or whatever will feel like an accomplishment. For you, it may not feel like an accomplishment, and you might call it ‘free gear.’ But that’s exactly why the Mythic track was introduced, so you can have harder content to test yourself.

At the same time, the Hero track gear exists for those who enjoy a medium challenge. No one ever said they should just give you a vendor with Hero track gear like in WotLK with badges system, you know. But acting like You’re not fit to wear the crown of this Hero track gear because you are clearing only a +4 keys and your HC clear took 12 weeks’ is just stupid.

My question is, do you want to stop people from getting Hero track gear because you can’t get Mythic gear, therefore you don’t feel like an elite player? Or why is it that they shouldn’t get gear for clearing medium-hard content?