Bring back BG exclusion

Seriously please bring back the option to block some BGs from inviting you to them. Why did you get rid of an actually good idea? Are the WoW PVP devs braindead?


Reported for language.

Agreed. I would love to be able to blacklist Ashran.

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People wont leave anymore ashran after 8.2.5 changes. Wont take long to finish it.

That was a mistake indeed. I was surprised when I noticed they removed that option.
What were they thinking? who knows but I dont think many people liked that move.
Not older players at least.

With 8.2.5 ashran wont take long. Reinforcements will be 150 both sides. And summoning tree will be 3000 fragments if I’m not wrong.

It helps lower queue times.

Blizzard won’t let me blacklist 2 BGs like it has been for every expansion up until now.

What the players want is irrelevant. Blizzard has an algorithm. They have discovered what is fun. What is fun, is forcing people to play BGs they don’t like. The more they force you to play them, the more fun you have.

Blizzard knows how to design their game, trust in Blizzard.

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