I think challenge mode rewards & mage tower weapon reward etc should be reintroduced into the game. (The transmog sets & weapons, the artifact appearances.)
Because why were they removed in the first place? Challenge modes in MoP were being 3 manned towards the end of the expansion, and the Mage Towers were a complete joke by the time Antorus rolled around. To me it always seemed like they were removed for the simple fact that it would’ve been a nightmare to balance/scale it up and down all the time to match the current expansion.
Mage Tower was reintroduced, and it sort of worked. We’ve seen timewalking dungeons function well enough too. Why not bring them back during the respective timewalking weeks or something?
If there’s a problem with balancing, or them being too easy, you can just disable all special weapon effects, trinkets, tier sets etc. Add template stats etc to control and restrict how strong the characters can become, so that it is more about knowing the dungeons etc than having the strongest items to just brute force stuff.
Personally I have most of the Mage Tower mogs + weapon skins, and I really don’t care if everyone can reobtain them again. They’re cool tmogs, not because “they’re unobtainable now”, but because they’re simply put cool tmogs.
That’s how it was with the Naxx 40 tier 3 sets, and that’s how it is with these too. :]
Also to add into this, even though this is PvP related, I wouldn’t mind it either, if hitting 2,400 rating in any bracket gave you a token, with which you can buy an old set of gear, tabard + enchant from the past.
I’d keep the Gladiator mounts as something that stay unobtainable, purely because glad is legitimately difficult to get, and it would stomp on the pvp community pretty hard.
But the tmogs? Why not, they’re a joke to get for the most parts anyway.
Adding template stats also will be a nightmare to balance. It will end up to xyz specs op, rest gonna be left to rot.
because that would require an extra work towards something that’s not m+ or raid and they clearly don’t want to do that right now. maybe after delves get huge positive reaction.
I fully support the idea behind this post, enough of all the unnecessary fomo (fear of missing out). Just make it a challenge smthg to work for.
Challenge modes were superseded by M+
And CM’s were 3 manned because of things like class changes / OP trinkets and even though you were stuck at ilevel x, you could equip 20+ gems by the end of the expac and be massively more powerful than “intended”.
On balance, I prefer M+, its a scaling challenge where you can always find whats hard for you. CM’s were intended to be a fixed level of difficulty but even just changes in that expansion nerfed them to oblivion.
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according to your achievements you played in mop/wod proeliator and yet you don’t have a single challenge mode achievement, not even bronze.
mind-boggling how entitled you sound when you never set foot in a single challenge mode
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First they came for our TSG, and noone listened or cared.
Then they came for our Limited Edition, and noone listened or cared.
They came for our Time Limited, and noone listened or cared.
Now they come for our challenge mode, and noone is left to listen or care.
… Nothing in WoW matters, so why shouldn’t we all get access to it at this point? Make it 20 euro a mog. As that is approximate the same level of IRL effort you put into the game. So that makes it fair

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Careful Marbelle, they may get offended by your remark and try and cancel you on Tiktok about how you’re challengemodephobic towards them! xD
I’m sorry about your tcg mounts/items I’m sure they made you feel special sitting in ogrimmar for 5 mins on your 200k gold duped spectral tiger ,but for real now what did it bring to the game? There’s no achievement no “supposed glory” just proof that you are either wild whit your finances or got them for cheap due to duping… just let it go already it’s sad the amount of gatekeeping we create for new players , it saddens me my girlfriend will never be able to acquire an artifact weapon from the mage tower…
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I agree bring them back in different color sa a reward for achievement keystone HERO for example
current m+ is much harder then challenge modes were back in the day 
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I played in MoP, I did the CMs. I think they should bring back the rewards.
Template stats for PvP shouldn’t be rigid; they should be flexible. As in, you and everyone else has X number of stats to distribute as you wish, with certain caps, etc.
I’m in two minds about this whole thing, because while I would love to have another chance at getting some of the Mage Tower sets that I missed out on before, I can also understand why Blizzard has kept them as “prestige” badges for so long.
They are part of the FOMO pattern. They are there to keep people fearful of missing out if they don’t play the game now. Players don’t know what is coming back. If they did, why play now when you can play later?
Also, the fact that Challenge Mode/Mage Tower is so wanted but doesn’t stop people playing means its a perfect “emergency” relief Blizz can use if another drama or scandal kicks off…
That all said, I wouldn’t mind if Blizzard brought out a series of solo challenge activities for players to start collecting from a “vault” of high end prizes. Like, legitimately tough “insane in the membrane” levels of tedium/difficulty tasks.
Make them evergreen, but each challenge can only be completed by a character once. So if there are 7 starting challenges, you have 7 rewards to pick. Each challenge should be a large commitment - not Thursday afternoon casual transmog run sort of thing.
Add in the old Mage Tower boss fights, but there could also be solo time runs of dungeons or special instances. Collectathons and special challenges for PvP like the Gladiator Sanctum in WoD.
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i have no interest in taking anyone seriously that has their armory and profile hidden so im going to assume you are the same person as elahri the monk on argent dawn with only 200 achievement difference, 20405 → 20605. that character has not set foot in a challenge mode either.
name->achievement ratio is 2 spot on to not be you. but that answer is everything i need to know about you, not going to have a pointless discussion
It’s not me, so just lol.
I guess I hacked blizzard to give me the mog.
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why dont you just take a screenshot with your name visable?