Bring back Death Chakram, bm and survival looks so dull

With next expansion everyone hope for some kind of new experience, replacing old skills with new skills is ok, prunning already boring specs like bm or survial that could take one or two more buttons is out of place, additionaly death chakram was one of best looking skills, why was it removed? why bm or survival don’t have any new abilitties ?

This is mmorpg ( I thought so, at least ) and classes are supossed to be complex, instead you start bfa all over again with everything prunned so badly that everyone can mindlessy play wow while having other game in tab.

Seriously though every dps spec should have 6-7 COMBAT buttons to press, people who think otherwise don’t spend much time on this game. I recommend doing “newbie build” in talents for people that are new and dont want many buttons atm while they still learn how to play, help them navigate their build, instead of suggesting them to copy paste buiilds from wowhead which they don’t understand anyway


I actually don’t mind not having Chakram, but I also don’t mind having it. I think in general it was a decent, relatively short cooldown. I agree though, that it should’ve stayed for BM.

Survival had a ton of buttons to press and even more CDs that were very useful. It’s a good change that Blizzard is trying to limit ability bloat. Still, even now, SV has a lot of buttons to press in it’s rotation + many situational CDs that you will always use in pretty much every scenario.

So overall, I will repeat what I said at the beginning - I am okay with it being restored and I am okay with it being removed. But BM should’ve kept it.

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Not sure what you mean. Survival is one of the melees with the most buttons to press.

I am glad Death Chakram is gone. For survival, at least.

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What do we have to press though?
Rotation abilities now:

  1. Kill Command
  2. Raptor/Mongoose bite or Butchery as filler
  3. Bombs
  4. Flanking Strike/Exploding Bomb with their smaller cooldowns

Everything else is situational or a dps cooldown.

We do have the most internal resets of any class, thats true, but the buttons themselves are not the problem.

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