Bring back Exorcism as an alternative to BOJ

I miss when paladin had exorcism. Blade of justice has a bad animation and sound effect, and is an okay-ish generator.

Exorcism was hard hitting and it had one of the best sound effects in the game.

Please bring back this iconic ability. Or maybe make a glyph to make Blade of Justice exorcism or something.


For the most part BoJ have always done more dmg in our rotation then exo ever did. The rest about better sound and animation is just subjective so i wont comment on that part BUT

You clearly dont know the animation nor the sound effect it did as our current mastery are doing them both! The proc chanse of our mastery does what Exo did… on the dmg scale its about the same as Exo.

Exo was the last on our prio list when we had it, turning it into a proc seems fitting imo.

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I know! but for some reason, it has been completely turned down and its not even noticable. It’s very subtle and basically cant even hear it if you don’t put your volume on max. If you play any classic iteration you would understand what Exorcism actually does.

As far as the dmg is concerned it depends on the expansion. In wotlk (naxx, icc ud), cata, mop it was very good dmg (certainly more than boj now)

For the sound effect turn on the sound effect knob while lowering everything else ¯_(ツ)_/¯? It is very noticable in mid battle.

As for the vissual, its a yellow glowy outstreched hand on self while on target its a yellow something. Most often obscured by whatever else you are doing. Not all that diffrent from the Exo days if there even is one.

Might just be that you dont notice because its a proc rather then on demand.

I dont, only going from my memory of it all. I do remember the reasoning when making Exo do dmg on all targets instead of just undead and demons back in 3.1. Something about thinking we didnt have enough free GCD to use it as often.

Classic is not a good representation on what the ability actually was. You are playing the end result of the balancing process of what it was!

I only remember all the guides saying “use it only if you have nothing else to press” for most of its run time.

This is because it was a balancing nightmare.
Classic is an end patch not representative of what the expansion was like to play.

It was a good day when they removed it for BoJ

Either way, your point was even down to this. You wanted it atleast as an cossmetic while you have it now in game!

Then come with “i know!” as a response. You didnt know, just to proud to admit that.

The problem are the other sound effects relative to this one. They are way higher which means turning on sound effects to where this is clearly noticable would make everything else hurt my ears.

I knew highlord’s judgement is in the game. I just think its unimpactful, unnoticable, and unhearable currently as its implemented. If you just download classic wow and press exorcism you will understand what I mean.

That being said. I am a fan of having different customization options as far as abilities are concerned. It being a glyph wouldnt “force” anyone to use it. Similar to how they added old ascendance model on a glyph on the latest patch.

I personally hate BOJ and that’s subjective, alot of other players don’t like the ability either, mostly it’s sound effect.

Every expansion is a balancing nightmare. If you look at enhancement shaman in this expansion, 1 button does over 50% of your dmg, and your generator’s do nothing other than generate maelstrom.

Same has been for ret pala. There are cases were builders and spenders have been balanced differently. In wotlk where there were no spenders, all of the abilities hit for a similar amount, making a “soft” priority list for Judgment, Divine Storm, Crusader Strike, and exorcism, and filling in with the occasional consecration.

However, the main point of the forum post was mostly the ability “feedback” aspect. It’s nice to have abilities feel good when you press them, and exorcism did that for me while BOJ doesn’t. The balancing and the damage it actually does obviously matters but its secondary to me.

Just like exorcism was!

Now thats a lie so dont know why you tell it.

Ive tested it and instantly got reminded why i have a huge distaste for everything of classic pala design. From all the faults i still find Ret having (all of them stem from the classic design!) todays ret is lightyears ahead of classic. Still lagging behind other classes with the anchor that is classic design and ppl like you wanting it all back!

It’s not a lie, the exorcism sound effect has been lowered massively, if you compare it to how it used to be.

I respect this opinion! I just have a different view. That’s why i asked for a glyph and not a rework. Both sides win if that happens.

What does massivly mean? I can hear it and its destinct enough that i can hear it in an epic BG when fighting at sunken in Wintergrasp. How much more does it need to be heard?

Either way… its IN the game and thats all you asked for. Move on

You do not get it and it shows, but then again it is not me specifically saying this blizzard came out and said exorcism was bad.

Cool For me it was the worst ability in the game feel wise to press.
Even the buff button we used to have was better game feel wise then it.

The only time it was good was when playing Holy for the Shockadin build.

cool we just disagree then

I’m playing the anniversary classic as holy pally and really digging it’s “anti undead” theme, you can track them on the map, even fear them (Turn undead, the precursor of turn evil), and Exorcism is actually not half bad when it comes to damage.
Then later comes Holy Wrath which damages all undead and demons in a 20 yard radius :hammer:

Yes it did do good dmg against a set of mobs in an era when we had 0 other attacks!

Vanilla has only AA and judgment
TBC only adds CS, an AA on demand that doesnt proc seals.

Oh… i keep forgetting hammer of wrath that we had since vanilla. At first with a 1.5 sec CAST time and only when enemy was at 20% health. Dont remember when it was lowered to a 0.5 sec cast time, but still a cast time!

I dont know why ppl have such high esteem on this design. It was downright bad, all of it was bad!

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I mean yeah otherwise it’s a right click experience (and seal+ judgment every 12/10 seconds), but still.

I do like exorcism to be back as it genuinely fits to the whole “holy crusader” theme that a paladin is.
It could be reworked to be proc or even a fast cast spell that does something like blinding as searing glare does

We do have, in a discount way, “exorcism” back, via the mastery proc, it uses the same sound, but it’s less loud than the old one and the dmg is meh, and if you’re also using details, you’ll see the exorcism icon for that proc too.

With all this in mind, I’d still take the old exorcism with art of war procs to have it instant and crit, over what we have now with blade of justice.
If it can’t be turned into a choice node, can we at least get a glyph to have blade of justice be changed to exorcism?

Monks recently got the old jab animation back with a glyph for tiger’s palm, I’m hopeful, this can happen for palas and exorcism too.

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Frankly i dislike the blade animation, loved exorcism so a big yes from me.

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