Bring back ilvl display on items

I’m a software engineer.
You have no idea how many “small and simple” features just completely broke the code and became a nightmare to debug.

It’s always “simple” for the managers, never talk to the engineers, what do they know?

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Yes and i pay 13€/month a same game with less basic fonctionnality.
Again, stop searching excuse.

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Basic functionality is being able to log in and play the game.
To me, those insane logging queues should the top priority for blizzard, all hand on deck.
Having an ilevel indicator on the tooltip is far far below on the list of to do thing.

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Your Offensive name is right you are.
Again reported for trolling and being offensive

TacoTip addon shows you both ilvl and GS. Also you can check others’ ilvl, GS and even their talents just by mouseovering them. Let the haters hate


Thanks, seems a good addon.

If an addon can display it, it’s because the information is there, they just don’t want to show it.

And honestly if a change as simple as this were a problem, that means your architecture is pure thrash.

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Those are all linear i think. Part of the fun to figure out imo

It’s been almost a week now. Did you mange to find out if +2 stam or +4 stam is better? Or are you still looking for addons? :slight_smile:

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Yeah, annoying to calculate every stats that you gain and loose instead of showing directly +5 -3 etc.

If you play the same class for 12 years and you have played back in wotlk, too i assume you are a very bad player still needed a number to tell you which gear you should wear.
And your style is so arrogant and annoying.

I need it to not wasting my time doing mental calculation.

Your bad faith and trolling again and again with transforming my words is worst than me.

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