Bring back Legion MM and I will insta sub

Sorry to hear that you couldn’t see it when it was current. It wasnt exactly built around the multi-dot concept but it could’ve easily been expanded upon, going into Legion.

I wouldn’t mind your feedback either. The spec/design wasn’t only intended for past SV players. But new ones as well.

Sadly topics get automatically locked after 30 days on the EU forums(not on US ones though, hmm…:thinking: ), so my topic on this forum can’t be replied to anymore.

If you want, feel free to post it as a reply to my MMO-Champion topic instead. I can read your feedback there.


I joined in on that topic as a poster around the 400 reply-mark. Didn’t have a US character to post on prior to that…

It surely was one of the reasons yeah.

It made no sense why they flat out deleted that whole playstyle instead of going the 4th spec option route. Sure it would require some time and work. But it could’ve certainly been done.

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I feel Marksmanship been declining more and more on every inteneration. I play since TBC, and altough the gameplay for MM back then was what can be called slow, it felt rewarding.
Cata MM was the peak. The abilities felt really impactful and rewarding, there was true feedback from the shots, and the animal companion felt like was always working in synergy, not to surpass you, but to support you when fighting a target (As should be with MM back then, considering pets were still kinda helpful for all specs).
I feel in MoP it got a bit weaker, though it partially recovered on WoD, when the Marksmanship hunter class fantasy (before Legion “class fantasy”) revolved around true, solid shots with few to no magic in the middle. Sniping, hitting like a truck, that’s all the MM were good for. There was barrage, that everyone was taking, but i felt would make no sense on most guns and crossbows ingame, so did my best to avoid it.
When the class was reworked for Legion, felt like lost all it’s power. Sometimes doing anything on the open world felt like pulling teeth. Nothing felt rewarding. Leveling wasn’t fun, and even after got fixed with the legendaries, it felt crippled, compared with the older intenerations. And the attempt to “mix up” with old SV made it neither feel like old SV nor like a MM specc.

Right now, i feel it somewhat got a biiiit better. But, still feel clunky, weak. Too dependent of Trueshot. Too focused on Rapid fire. The shots still feel like shooting nerf darts sometimes.

If they go for the stationary shooter next expansion, at least make it a stronger, more rewarding experience instead of keep mixing things up and end up screwing the specc more and more. I want to cause damage with hard shots, not shoot as fast as an AK 47 but barely cause any significant damage.

Legion MM hunter wasn’t really hard. It was just simply not fun. Although imho they could have tweaked it in BFA to make it work more solidly then just out right removing the entire thing.

It had potiental, I just feel like they didn’t manage it in legion. I feel the same with lots of speccs.

Survival hunter had the same thing. A design with a lot of potiental it just needing tweaking around. But they basically deleted half the specc instead.

Legion had some solid class/specc ideas. I don’t know why they didn’t try to improve on those.

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It wasn’t that good, but i would I still prefer legion MM to bfa MM, legion MM had a lot of problems, mainly the rng and vulnerability were thrash, but at least we had fun aoe, aimed shot was on a 2 sec cast time, volley was a good aoe choice and we had no gcd on offensive cooldowns. Tbh i wouldn’t like MM to be reverted to legion because it still had a lot of problems, but i certainly don’t want it to stay as it is….

MArksman was dead in the water the second MoP style talent trees became a thing. It’s power was never fully in the Marksman tree, it was always the main focus of hybrid specs. I pvpd back when we had actual talents and my hunter was mostly MM with surv for hp / control and even damage to certain types.

Legion MM had even less buttons and was even more boring that bfa MM

Well, tbh you could say this about most speccs. No specc prior mop really had its full power in one tree. Speccs have just been remade to fit a specc identity theme.

I wouldn’t say marksmanship is dead in the water, there are some parts of MM I really like.

Rapid fire and steady shot were some cool additions to the specc. The problem is they seem to haven’t been able to hit the nail on the head with any of the 3 hunter speccs.

And I ain’t saying “hunters aren’t cool enough”. I get it’s a bow and arrow, it’s hard to make flashy.

Imho what i would like to see happen with hunter is:

  • exotic ammunition baseline. With the old Fire for small aoe effect, ice for a slow effect and poison for a small DoT.

  • Traps, across all 3 speccs i would like more interesting traps. Give us something cool like back with the snakes and everything.

  • I want volley back! Real volley from vanilla. Maybe as just hail of arrows rather then the channeled concept. Simply fire up and one hail comes down on a short CD.

  • I want chimera shot baseline.

  • I want more of the CC shots at baseline.

  • I want the talent concerning rapid fire just to be baseline.

Edit: fixed spelling mistakes

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