Bring back option to choose weapon!

Hello. Before Legion many classes could use different weapons, like 2handed for frost DK and one handed for fury warriors and etc. Why we cant use em in BFA? We dont have class-bound artifacts, so what the problem?

Plz let devs know about that!


Enhancement shamans for one have been hamstrung as dual wielders since they introduced the lava lash offhand attack.

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that so…stupid. To not let us have choice what weapon to wield. My dk looks bad with 2 tiny one handed toothpicks instead of one 2hand sword. And it has less burst dmg and etc

Giving players more options and freedom to decide ?!? ARE YOU INSANE!?!?! Whats next ? Weapons with different speed?


Yes please.

The game will never be balanced anyway so why not give back the fun stuff that was sacrificed on the altar of boring e-sport crap which also failed hard on wow.


Transmog the weapon into something you like.

2 x 1 handers for warrior (Smf) was a joy and 2 hander frost fun aswell but thats the problem they dont want us to have fun thats long gone .


The problem is the new melee animations that came at the start of Legion.
The new animations are designed with specific weapons combinations in mind.
IE - Arms warrior will use a single 2H weapon.
Frost DK will use x2 1H weapon
And so on.

If they removed restrictions, all the work on these animations would be for nought.

I just want my SMF back, badly.


Me too. I’ve made all my DPS warriors arms because using 2 2H weapons looks ridiculous on certain races.

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‘hamstrung’ oh please. Stop this 2handed hype dream. It’s never going to happen on live.

I’d really like some more choice in weapons back too, especially since they’ve made weapon properties matter a lot less when it comes to DPS. One-handers for fury, two-handers for frost, dual wield for survival etc. would be very welcome options to have.

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You cant transmog dual wield to 2 hander and even if you could do that it would be a cheap replace tho what 2h frost dk was

Like they did with shaman back in the day when they stole our 2 hander and gave boring dual wield with piss poor mutilate animation?

I believe (but I could be wrong) the shaman change was because of stormstrike where it factored in weapon damage (what that was still a thing), and became overpowered because of it.

I am elemental, couldnt care less about enhancement.

I would much rather have weapon choice back.

Then don’t bring it up.

YES YES YES! Give back furry wars with 1 handed weapons!