Bring back personal loot in LFR

No thanks the odds are actually worse on personal loot. I remember too many times in BFA getting my personal loot on bosses i didn’t need loot from and on top when you want to run TMOG farms later on its just a pure RNG mess

GL would improve a great deal if it at least had the perks of PL where the drops cater to the actual group present. Instead of having wasted drops.

It still wont stop people winning multiple items because it’s GL. PL will always be more fair in terms of distribution. It will also not stop people needing and selling. Tbh the whole need to sell thing alone is enough reason to want PL back. They’d only be able to sell the drops they were assigned rather than having access to every single boss loot pool.


Another week, another bunch of people needing on gear just to vendor and d/e. I don’t know if Blizz doesn’t give a f or is incompetent enough to understand how frustrating this broken system is. I’d rather have 1 item per week guaranteed than doing all wings on multiple alts and getting absolutely nothing, while AFKers get 3 item per boss, just because they got lucky with rolls.

I have 30 bosses Killed and 1 Item (i got another one but simply for transmo and wasn’t even need ) Also 2 of my alt’s as well the are unlucky with zero items.

I got lucky with the weekly and got some tier set otherwise in 1 month doing m+ and raiding 1 items …well nothing matter anymore.

But still the stupidly of the dev/cre. team to Relate on Rng-lottery that for some people is quite bad is an overkill .

This week i rolled 1- 3 -7 and 20 for some items… An item that 4 people want won by a 528 same-slot user .
Of course it’s hes choice and at the end it doesn’t matter at all. It’s personal choice-time and decision to make and this isn’t the issue . The issue that when you spend 1 month for 1 item doing anything related to the content and your basically F.P… The game stop being a game .

In the last 88 rolls that i need an item i got 3 that’s an item every month looking at kill-rate…


We’re not savages

“Maths” is what it ended up as, I think.

Care to link the proof?

Group Loot in LFR has to be one of the most stupid decisions in WoW’s 20 years history.

Just add appearances automatically of lower tiers if you have higher tier and i can ignore lfr again and dont have some 10th alts who are max level for 2hours and afk during bossfights crying in my whispers because they think their ilvl upgrade they replace 2h later is more important than my bis mog

I think something that will aid the situation is to have lfr tints available as a cosmetic purchase for those who have completed Normal or above.

Gearing an alt who genuinely needs the equipment and getting tmog rolls winning from full mythic players is pretty frustrating (and I’m saying this as a mythic raider)

I don’t want to do lfr, this game mode is literally not designed for me, and I won’t join just to need on a tmog item when it can be an actual upgrade for someone.

This idea should also carry on upwards, so if you complete HC, you should be able to buy the cosmetic item that will give you the full normal tint.

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Nah current system is perfect. RNG is RNG people.

It’s the price to pay for faster queue.

But some systems are less bad than others.

By all measurements, GL is worse than PL in LFR. It’s more frustrating, unfair, increases toxicity. Most LFR players don’t want it (at least those not winning 90% of the loot per boss), normal and heroic players don’t want to do it, and mythic raiders definitely don’t want to do it.

Add to that the fact that you have 2 types of gear only 2 classes in game can use, so you if they’re not in the group, you can have almost all of the gear going to vendor/de. This is a recipe for a terrible experience.

You know I really like this idea.

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Everyone would be ok with this idea. It’s definitely better than forcing mythic raiders to do LFR, and LFR players loosing actual upgrades to people who will just vendor/DE it so they could get the transmog.

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