Bring back personal loot in LFR

It feels “amazing” when you see one person who AFKed, died on pull, ignored res just win 4 pieces of loot where you have 5+ people rolling. It just feels demotivating, stupid and is puzzling Blizzard make this change. It doesn’t matter even if it’s me getting 2 items once in a season, it still isn’t right.

LFR is unorganized, without any responsibility or penalties for AFKing and should have only personal loot. Period.


You do realise you have a higher chance at winning an item from Group Loot than you do under Personal loot, right? :roll_eyes:
Group loot also has restrictions, meaning if you have the same item but better, you cant roll on it. One player already having better increases your odds of winning a specific item unlike what you would have under Personal Loot.

I’m not sure people know what is the difference between Personal and Group loot…


With PL the game makes a hidden roll for you, GL the player makes an active choice whether or not to roll on loot. The latter doesn’t really work well in complete anonymous PUG-settings, people will need on everything they can regardless - because everyone else is.


What’s the math behind this?

Just from my own memory, I recall just running LFR in previous expansions and getting geared up just fine doing that. Having done the same throughout Dragonflight I’ve barely gotten any tier pieces, let alone other items.

So I’m quite curious about the math as it would indicate that I’ve just been extremely unlucky.

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Can’t say that this has been the case for me.

I never walked away without getting something when personal loot was a thing.

I have done so a lot of times now with GL.

You also didn’t have some guy win 3 items from the same boss with PL.


People keep making that claim, but it contrasts my experience. I’d be willing to bet that Personal Loot had some kind of “bad luck protection” system, because I’d very consistently get about the same number of items per raid. I don’t think I ever walked out of a raid without a single piece of loot. Loot generally seemed to be somewhat fairly distributed when we had PL.

Now you can go several raids without getting a single piece of gear, and it seems to come down to RNG only: something needs to drop that you can even roll on, and then you need to roll higher than everyone else at least once - more times if you tie.

Yes, you can get multiple items also, but it’s about consistency on a small scale, not a large sample of 100k or more raids. PL loot distribution seemed to be fairly even and consistent, GL loot distribution is more, well, random and as a result more inconsistent.


Both systems have their downsides.

Group loot can drop stuff not usable by anyone in the raid. It also causes a lot of drama because people start questioning why you rolled need. Also you realistically won’t win LFR transmog if you already have the same item from higher difficulty.

Personal loot won’t let you trade unwanted items if they’re an ilvl upgrade. Also maybe it’s just me but I absolutely hate the “need?” spam PL creates in PuGs. And for people who consider transmog farm to be 2nd in priority are really mad mog farmers get their mogs under this system at the expense of people trying to gear.

Don’t expect any change as the only people who have the highest level of visceral hatred for LFR is Blizzard.

Well… PL was put in place for a reason in WoD…

Because mathematics of loot distribution aside… the human aspect is completely neglected in this discussion :

When you don’t get any loot, people ask “WHY”? If the answer is “Because this PL system sucks” everyone is united on a common cause. If the answer is “Because XX dude rolled Need” then everyone is at each others throat.

Even if statistically speaking, the probability of getting loot is the same. So from that point of view, PL is superior. And not only LFR but also Guild runs on normal/heroic as well.

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I’m never getting any loot outside of guild runs idk what you are referring to. Forced group loot is worse thing they ever done


I did lfr 5-6 times for fyrakk legendary I got literally zero items until now. Group loot is a scam.

Not that I need lfr drops but still giving you statistics…

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I think I have a nice solution that would benefit those who are rolling for gear, and those rolling for transmogs. Just have separate rolls for need and transmog.

Let’s say 2 warriors do a LFR raid. A melee weapon drops. Warrior 1 is a fresh level 70 and needs the weapon to gear up. Warrior 2 has BIS mythic raiding gear and wants the weapon transmog.

Warrior 2 can’t roll need on the weapon because it is not an upgrade for him. So he clicks the transmog roll instead. He gets the transmog, while warrior 1 rolls need, getting the weapon and its transmog.

See? It’s that easy.


If Blizzard wanted you to get stuff they’d increase the amount of drops. They want you to play week after week in hopes of finally getting the thing you want.

Repeated runs with no loot vs the old system of two per clear. I know which I prefer.


The thing is, not only you have people needing on items they don’t intend to use so they can vendor/DE, you also have situations where you get multiple guns/shields/glaives and noone in the raid can use the items. I have multiple screenshots of this happening, alongside the AFKer winning 3+ items.

I just completed all LFR wings on 8 alts and got a grand total of 1 piece of loot, even thought multiple upgrades dropped. GL is indisputably worse than PL.


PL did have bad luck protection, yes. I think it was a guaranteed loot drop every fifth or sixth bosses if you did not win a roll before.

It is why everyone remembers getting roughly 2 pieces per LFR clear.


Wish Blizz did something about AFKers in this game… can’t stand lazy sods taking advantage of others.

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You are a Priest
Faith leap-pull them in to the lava :smiling_imp:

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I always do that, especially off platforms. :smiling_imp:

Good! Goooooood!

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