Making the stun on rake just completely screwed ferals over in PvP. Pounce was undodgeable because it was a stealth ability. Then they removed pounce and added the stun to rake instead. Rake isn’t a stealth ability, so now people can dodge our opener. Stupid as hell.
Rake being dodgeable is the most annoying thing in the universe, yes.
Maybe this should be in the Druid forums first of all
But yes, thats a bad part about feral. Kind of like how the melee class that is intended to play as a rot-melee-afflock currently plays like an oldschool combat rogue with a flat damage finisher being ‘‘the thing’’ while bleeds take a back seat wich makes 0 sense
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but dh stun is aoe and undodgable how dare u speak about other classes. just play dh
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