Warmode is the worst you have added in-game. It CAUSES so many issues, because it is more like batteground, it is NOT world pvp. Unfortuantely it is true! I dont want to see warmode next expansion, I have hard to believe the dev team approved with this crap warmode system. I hope you realize you made mistake to add it. Thanks!
No, thanks, tired of being killed by 110s as geared as my main while I’m levelling a 101 or so in azsuna, 110s who wouldn’t even be able to beat me, a pve player, on my main, in 1 vs 1, had enough.
You dont even give any specific reasons why its Bad no one will take you seriously like that.
What you probably dislike about wm (I can only guess) is what I probably love about it! I think Blizz are happy with wm too. The players I wpvp with also seem happy. Can’t please everyone though!
I think the difficulty some players have with wm, is exactly the reason I love it… there are no rules. Some will embrace that, others can’t handle it, and try to create their own framework of rules, such as groups are ‘bad’, etc.
The trouble for the made up rules players is, their allies and enemies don’t know their rules… which inevitably leads to frustration for the ruler.
I think the players that like wm the best, are gonna be the ones without any expectation of what other players are gonna do. Forget rules, go with the flow
There are million threads about how bad warmode is. ^^
I would like to hear at least one objectively valid and meaningful reason why war mode is worse option than PVP and PVE realms. The only reasons I have heard so far are only subjective reasons which are actually pros for someone else.
Before Warmode became a thing I played on Defias Brotherhood, the most balanced (rp)pvp realm in the eu. If I had the choice I would go back to that.
Lots of natural wpvp, and you recognized wpvp-ers all the time during city raids, quest hub fights, and at those Legion wpvp areas. Lots of /wave and /cheer at the enemy before going in, etc. There was a sense of community. Even for a mostly solo player like myself.
But… Defias and the realms connected to it were a special case. A lot of other pvp realms were dominated by one faction only, and so the wpvp experience wasn’t as great. Knowing that, Warmode is probably better for the overall playerbase.
The reason I seem to read the most is people being able to recognize their enemies, and the sharding makes it impossible to either recognize their enemy or go back to revenge a low lvl alt
I rolled a char on Twisting Nether when it was a pvp server, and I thought is was a bit boring, because I found no enemies around me - the horde:alliance ratio was so tilted to the horde side (I had a horde) that you didn’t see any enemies around.
So I didn’t get much pvp on that server
On a normal pve-server like Aszune I ran into a lot more pvp than I did on a pvp server.
I believe that to try even out those strangely tilted servers, WM is great option
You can always argue which WM is the better one, the one on the RP-server or the normal servers WM
I use an addon with a kill on sight list feature (Spy), I find this really helps. I come across the same players a lot… but without the KoS, I may not realize it.
Because I recognize the players, it does increase my fun. And playing with a small in-game wpvp community also helps. Community feel with your faction and opponents is possible, just different than PvP realm setup.
However, even on PvP realm, you wouldn’t necessarily see the same opponents every time, and it’s the same with wm shards. KoS helps me feel connected to opponents anyway, easier to maintain grudges, and an in-game WPvP community is fun.
I was on Defias too… and although was fun at the time, WM is more chaotic and fun to me. I love random chaos, and knowing it can happen any wow session.
My mage had the name Vandel on Defias (sadly taken on Twisting), we probably ran into eachother at least one time. If you ever regularly raided Orgrimmar and got blown out of the sky by a Combusting Goblin Glider, that could have been me…
I could have a look at that addon. Seems interesting.
Ey, it’s possible! I was not a regular Org raider tho, but I did skulk around in stealth at times
outside of AOO I love warmode. would love to see more things like the air drops and assaults.
Air drops awesome, bounties awesome, assaults awesome. It’s good when they add more ofc. The assaults were a welcome addition! The captureable objectives coming in 8.2 are something I look forward too, and that is not so far off! Looking forward to flying as well. Soon be time to dust off my Net-o-Matic!
What I really love about WM is that anything can happen. It’s not a static experience like a raid or dungeon, or even a bg/arena. No rules, do what you want, kill or be killed! Hehe.
Did u ever think that if that is your opinion then maybe… u should turn it off? It’s why the option is there.
Generally, people who dislike WM are people who dislike PvP, and that’s alright. That’s why u have the option to turn it off.
And btw, a workaround for raid camps is to just join a group for that quest and get moved to a different shard.
How does this KoS work? I am curious!
In spy, a small list of nearby enemies is displayed, that’s the main purpose of the addon. But you can select an enemy in the list, and have various options. One of which is to add that player to your kill on sight list. The next time you are near that opponent, you get a visual and audible alert.
You can even set a reason for why they are on your KoS, selecting from a pre-defined list of reasons, or type in your own reason. The reason will be displayed in the tooltip when hovering over their name in the list, as well as wins/losses.
AND IF THAT DOESN’T SELL IT… you can also open a window, listing your kill on sight enemies, allowing you to see wins/losses, location, and ofc to commit them to grudge memory.
Without spy’s kos, I know I would think I was seeing random players in wm. Kos tells me I see same players, every wm sesh.
A great addon, really good in WM, and especially for any soloists out there, it’s pretty darn useful. Some consider it cheating, you could say that about any addon. But, Spy is only acting as a visualization of the combat log text available to all players, and for that reason, Blizz consider it 100% legit. The kos list is a bonus.
It only causes issues because people are little crybabies.
Only thing they need to do is apply 30% bonus to both factions and give the quest to both factions with a 400 item.
Ah, thanks for letting me know about it.
Yes, it’s very useful addon and it’s not cheating. I went to website and read about it. What it does is processes already available information to everyone because it uses COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED. Just for the sake of the argument, you could also employ WeakAuras2 to do the same CLEU is very powerful source of info!
How do you mean?
for example people complaining that there’s world pvp when they turn on war mode, stuff like that
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