Bring back PvP vendors OR

Bring back PvP vendors or a system that actually works with PvP players that DOES NOT include PvE.

Back in MOP, if you were a PvP player, you’d not need to spend hours on top of hours in PvE everyday just to catch up with PvPers. You’d just grind in PvP and get gear for PvP that has PvP powers and PvP resilience with a weekly conquest points cap for players to catch up with each other as long as people did their weekly cap every week until they have maximum ilvl gear for PvP and PvP only.

Blizzard made it very difficult for PvP players to get proper gear by doing only PvP since you need a high rating which is almost impossible to achieve unless you do PvE all day.
This has gotten onto a point where you’re better off doing PvE for gear and occasionally doing PvP content for a small amount of fun because there is no goal or almost any reward.


Im all for taking PvP vendors back!.

Less RNG, and you can focus on getting the item you are missing!, 110% agreeing with you!


Back in MoP everything was right for PvP.

  • I had to spend time playing PvP to earn PvP gear
  • PvE gear ilvl was downscaled in instanced PvP
  • PvE gear lacked PvP Power therefore was inferior to PvP gear for PvP content

It was 100% done right and only top raiders will disagree because for the first time they couldn’t stomp on people in PvP.


They will not bring back PVP vendors because they want you to grind to get the random gear that they offer each week.


MoP was the first and last expansion where PvP was actually good.
God I miss MoP.


Haha yup, PvE gear didn’t matter after the nerf in MOP. It was perfect for PvP players since they went on their own path apart from PvE. So sad to see much the game changed for so much worse than we ever expected including class changes like removal of animations such as metamorphosis, malefic grasp, chaos bolt for warlocks and 2h frost DKs etc…


So you want to be able to get the best gear just by farming random bg’s over and over?


rated battlegrounds/arenas? who said anything about farming only random bgs?


So you think you should just be able to skip past all the difficult new pve content and do the same thing each expansion to get the best gear?

Best gear pvp not equal the best gear for pve and best pve gear should not be equal with best pvp gear…

Yes pvp players want pvp not pve. Its too different part of the game… In the past things were separated… Since legion they merged it and pvp dieing more faster then before.

And tell me how you would fill if you have to achive r1 rating to get the best gear for pve?


With vendors, you could simply decide what YOU want, not “what someone at blizzard lined up for you”.

You could save up conquest (if you didn’t have the rating that would increase your cap) and buy a piece that would cost more - if you wanted to do so.

This system we have now is absolutely useless and I can’t see how anyone would think it’s an upgrade over plain old vendors.

Just a couple of weeks ago, playing my fresh alt, I was scrambling whatever gear possible to get some decent ilvl.
Emissary with Azerite gear - got a helm. Killed a world boss - got a helm. Then I checked what’s next in line for the Conquest reward - it was a helm.
If there were vendors, I’d simply pick something else, but no, someone at blizz knew better and decided I should get another helm.

What other thing made me seriously doubt their intentions when designing the system - say you’re 10 CP short of the cap and there’s an Assault going on - free CP, cool!
So you do one quest, get the cap, need to get back to the quest giver to get the item, because whatever CP you’d get while the bar is full will simply go to waste, not carry over like it does for reputations for example.
Or worse, you’d find the chest that gets you 70 or so CP, effectively making you waste 60 CP, which is a lot when gearing a new character and you count every single CP, especially this late in the season.


I would like it if some of the best gear was from r1 rating. The player should have to get gear from different sources to get the BIS for each piece.

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In terms of the pvp gear systems, I’d say the WoD method was a bit better since it also solved the problem of pve gear being superior in wpvp, with it’s ilevel scaling pvp gear.

Apart from pve gear in wpvp though, yeah, I didnt have any big complaints about the gearing process or gear in MoP.

Maybe pvp power not being desirable enough as a stat was a problem, not sure.


You have my vote.


i dunno if you played wotlk or tbc, but when u grind bgs over and over, u don’t simply get the best gear, u get pvp gear with resilience using honor points to buy them, the best pvp gear comes from rated arenas/rated bgs where you push rating, and that’s fair for the game cuz half the stats would be focused on resilience and stamina, making pve gear better for pve progression and pvp gear good for pvp, it was a very good system.


Uh no that’s a terrible system, because it means anyone who mainly does m+ or raids will be gimped as soon as they enter a bg. It locks most of the playerbase out of pvp.

actually, if u care about doing both pvp and pve you will be appreciative of the system more because basically you have alot of things to do in the game and the experience will be much more enjoyable, doing bgs will be more meaningful and people will actually coordinate with each other and try to win, cuz each win is much more impactful, its the best system so far.


Not gimped, just at a slight disadvantage.
It’s still a MUCH better starting point than trying to gear up in quest greens/blues, which is what it should be compared to.

There’s no reason not to make all the best pvp gear come out of doing pvp really.

It makes sense, and the systems that allow that have been in place in previous expansions, so the methods in accomplishing that aren’t exactly a secret either.


And my staff.


Maybe very minimal PvE content is ok like the Isle of Thunder quests for 50cp back in MoP. Just nothing that would take more than an hour a week.