Bring back pvp vendors! Your system do not work!

And balance pvp for God Sake… Pve gear should not be better in pvp! What the hell you are doing blizzard activision!? Blizzard you did have good system that WORKED in the past and it was BALANCED and FAIR now its total chaos. 6 times in a row same piece of gear from pvp chest? What the hell! We want buy our gear we want to have choice! If pve heros want they RNG farm fest let them have it but i think most of them would be happy to see pve vendors again. Cose its give progression and now i dont feel any… BRING BACK VENDORS!!!


I want pvp vendor pls. I quite liked the Legion PvP vendor, was fun for me to grind the item slot I wanted by doing random bgs. But this bfa reward system, being repeatedly rewarded with same stuff is poor design. Let me grind a slot.

I have fun in PvP tho, not a big deal to me, would just be funner with a vendor.

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Trust me mop/wod system was the best.

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Unfortunately you will have to wait for Shadowlands at best.

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check my gear… i deleted it all, and in all my characters … cause for about 1,5 months couldnt go above 431 ilevel. And i had not any sense of progress, exaclty as you said. Thus i forced myself to quit the game . This will be a very long break

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Yes before when you gain your gear you slowly fell stronger and stronger piece after piece and it was cap when you felt “ok im strong enough time for fun” and it was fun… cose it was FAIR. Equal gear SKILL mattered not PVE GEAR i dont know what the hell is this system but when i play pvp after 5 min i wanna vommit seriously…

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