Bring back random name generator

That’s how I usually get Leighroy for a female character.

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please perma ban all who use more than one of those letters

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Ä and ö are not accents though but different letters alltogether, even they look like a and o with accents. For us who got those letters on our alphabet it looks really weird when they are used to replace a and o. But most of the people don’t probably think of the difference so no biggie.

@Radium: Indeed, though you can also throw in the å aka the “Swedish o” as Åbo and Abu do not sound at all alike. :D:D:D And at least to my ear, the ü that Germans are fond of sounds a LOT like y, not any variant of u.

It is also worth noting that using the wrong letter can cause significant misunderstandings, some of which are just funny, others could turn out dangerous or at least embarrasing. Mökä vs moka, tälli(t) vs talli(t), mälli(t) vs malli(t), väärä(t) vs vaara(t), Hällä and hällä vs halla, ääri vs aari, kääri vs kaari, jänne vs Janne, sälli vs Salli and salli, sääri vs saari, Häme vs hame, häkä vs haka, käävät vs kaavat, lössi vs lossi and quite a few others… :smiley:

There are even cases where extremely similar looking words could be used next to eachother. I, for example, know people, who I could technically greet as “Moro Mörö!”, while a friend of mine sometimes answers my greeting with “Moro, moro.” repeating the same word.

Hmmm, and German has similar cases… at least Kuche vs Küche springs to mind.

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