Bring back real gms / support!

I’m sure I don’t have to put much effort into explaining why this has become a real problem…

PLEASE bring back real support people I can actually talk to that have game knowledge and that aren’t just generic blanket AI generated response statements.

Here is just one of the terrible responses I’ve experienced in past 6 months or so;
for context - I was having an issue with my UI where my player portrait frame would reset it’s position back to the top left of the screen when ever I went through any kind of loading screen.

Almost every time I go through a loading screen my HUD positioning moves everything around. I have to then go into edit mode and back out to resolve it.
I have tried disabling all my addons but the problem still persists. Please help this is driving me mad

Greetings Will
Thank you for reaching out to the Blizzard family. This is Game Master Uguligumya.

From what you mentioned, I can see that you’re having an issue with the game’s UI, as it’s not saving. I understand how frustrating it can be to face such an issue.

Looking into your case, there is a possible workaround for this. If you’re modifying the chat frame, I would recommend doing that and just leaving it the same, this should stop the HUD from resetting every time you log in. I would suggest as well that you check out the following articles:

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out at any time! Have a great day!
GM Uguligumya
Customer Service, Blizzard Entertainment

At first glance, I was happy with the response UNTIL I clicked the links provided, they are links to an article on how to resize your chat box… Not only is this completely irrelevant, but the “following articles” are actually 2 links to the same one! At this point I gave up and had to reinstall the game to temporarily solve my problem. ( it is solved now but I had to reinstall 2 more times when the issue reoccurred )

My point in this post is that something really needs to change here. The response I received here seems to be from someone that knows absolutely nothing about the game whatsoever and that they just saw some key words in my ticket and searched for something kind of related then called it a day!

I see people complaining about this in game and on other platforms all the time but still nothing is done about it. Also I’m fully aware I sound like a total Karen right now but I’m just sick of it. This is the only thing I could think to do in an attempt to bring this up to Blizz but I don’t have high hopes…

Feel free to share some of the horrible support responses you have received!


Your statement

Is blatantly false, it is a link to a general UI support article… do you think we don´t know how to read or just won´t click the link ourselves? What is the point of this obvious falsehood? The term “chat box” is used exactly once, and it is not in any way related to how to change it´s size but rather how to enter a console command to resize the cursor…

If you’re experiencing issues with the UI in World of Warcraft (for example, blurry text, incorrectly scaled elements, UI windows too big or small) follow these steps:

Check the UI Scale setting in-game:
    Open the Game Menu.
    Choose the System options and navigate to the Graphics section.
    Check the box for UI Scale and adjust the slider.
    Click Okay.

Note: This option will only be available when you are logged in to a character in game.

You may need to change the method the game uses to scale your UI. Make sure World of Warcraft is closed, then do the following:
    Navigate to your World of Warcraft\_retail_ installation directory and open the WTF folder.
    Open the file with a text editor (Notepad, etc.) and add these lines:
    SET uiScaleMultiplier "1"
    Save your changes and launch the game.
If you want to change the size of the cursor, log into a character and type this command into the chat box:

/console cursorSizePreferred 1

Note: There are different values for cursorSizePreferred ranging from 0-4. 0 is the smallest, 4 is the largest.[/quote]

You don´t like the service you´ve been provided with and believe that employing more GMs to handle common issues in the exact same way might somehow improve it, fine… but obvious smear campaigns help nobody. :wink:

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Congratulations, you have missed the entire point of my post.

I miss spoke, the response was about the chat box and as you have pointed out the article was about UI rescaling…

That still is not related to the issue I had and then the same article was linked twice! My ENTIRE point still stands.

Have I really? Funny, because your entire point still seems to have been…

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If you read my post correctly, you would know that I was complaining about the fact that these support people do not have common game knowledge. So yes. I stand by what I said.

So, you are not happy with the service you were provided, and believe that employing more GMs would somehow alleviate it. And that Is exactly what I have now stated 3 times.

What you are complaining about is not that they do not have ingame knowledge, but that they are doing their jobs in accordance with industry standard practices… What are they supposed to do with a common UI issue like this in your opinion, ask for remote desktop access to every user´s PC so that they can see the UI for themselves, which most will decline on principle? :rofl:

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It’s quite obvious that i’m not happy… hence the post? Not sure what you’re getting at with that tbh…

The fact is, I NEVER mentioned rescaling or the chat frame. If they needed more info about the issue wouldn’t it have been more appropriate to ask for more info before sending something completely irrelevant?

I agree, it’s not like they don’t have the knowledge they are limited by the company. Low rank GMs can just copy paste articles and high rank GMs won’t read everyday tickets. Too many players don’t care about the bugs and resub either way. For Blizzard to change all players need to complain which won’t happen anytime soon.

Sorry not sorry for the “misunderstanding”.

Because they didn´t tell you how to “resize your chat box”, and simply reading the article properly makes that very obvious. Again, the only reference to the chat box whatsoever is in the final passage about how to enter a console command to resize the cursor.

But it is exactly what your entire complaint about lack of knowledge is revolving around… Because you´re getting yourself hung up on the prefab-response “if you´re modifying your chat frame” and in turn completely ignoring the entirety of the content of the support article as a direct result. :beers:

You assume that it is completely irrelevant. Wheras in my experience and that of half of my guild and 2 communities which I have assisted in solving them, most sudden UI repositioning issues were in fact a direct result of scaling conflicts and /or ever so slightly repositioning the chat box and /or specific elements not wanting to be placed in certain positions because they start covering other elements. And this is exactly why the linked /quoted support article exists.

Like it or not, it is the industry standard practice and has been for ca 20 years for L1 support to try to solve as many issues as possible by relaying relative self help information, so as not to effectively make themselves superfluous by directly escalating every single “Have you tried turning it off an on again?” issue to L2 support which in turn does nothing but waste their time and company resources. And simply employing more people in L1 and /or 2 will not change that. :wink:

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Most GMs couldn’t fix many bugs, or restore lost items or currency, and actually it has always been like that (well, until they removed (all? almost all?) in-game GMs.

The GMs who could fix more complicated things (such as marking quests as complete, putting items into your inventory etc) were actually developers. The beauty of the system is that they would fix the issue there and then… and then they would be able to, there and then, see what went wrong, fix the code, and push it out as a hotfix, or for the weekly server reboots. Having the developers being able to examine the code and databases there and then, if there was a glitch, is one thing that made WoW the best MMORPG.

Sadly those days are gone. I feel sorry for the remaining developers, who don’t have time to test their code before release, let alone fix the ever-increasing list of bugs (worse since the layoffs for TWW). I don’t even have the retail client installed anymore. Only Classic.

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I agree 100%.

If nothing else because it added some flair and atmosphere.

One of my most fond memories was when we were assembling the “Seal of Asscencion” in IIRC UBRS to unlock BWL… Or was it lbrs to unlock ubrs? been a long time… Doesn´t matter.

We were in there as a 10 man raid, but the quest was not marked as a raid quest… you can probably see where this is going already.

So we collected all the items, went back to the ogre, and couldn´t turn it in (because we were a raid, ofc). So, being the clueless noobs that we were, we opened a ticket, and back then response times were still quite snappy. SOme of us went for a smoke break, or used the checkers addon to pass teh time.

About 10 minutes later after a short back and forth with our Guildmaster Shadurr, a Blizzard GM materialized in front of us, and asked “Is this the guy who’s trolling you?”

We collectively replied with “yes”,

Suddenly the GM suddenly tripled in size, and punched the ogre like half a dozen times. Who then started crying for mercy, begging the GM to stop, and said he’d give him the key. And then the GM handed Shadurr the key and said “Sorry, sometimes these guys just need to be taught a lesson in hoonesty. Hope the rest aren’t as annoying, just let me know if they are.” It was freaking hilarious.

And with that, we thanked him for his assistance, and continued back to dustwallow to get it forged, and then progress into the unlocked content where we got :poop:mixed :rofl:


All I can say is sadge. Cataclysm has 1 developer who works on it when he has free time it seems. Classic team developers are only working on hardcore and sod so yeah. Most fixes create more bugs and it takes ages to make a fix for the fix and the piled up bugs get more and more. As sylvanas said “The cycle must be broken. We are more than slaves to our torments”.