Bring back Saberon form for Feral

I have a suggestion to make, that maybe isn’t everyones cup of tea but will definitely bring an end to the problem of ferals having the same old catforms while every class can make use of all the cool transmog thats available.

So here is my suggestion:

Some of you migth remember the Saberon form we had in Warlords of Draenor.
So since in the expansion we even saw the the saberon models with armor on them as enemy npcs, and we already had the saberon form available in the past for feral druids.

Why not give feral the option to use the saberon form and have at least some pieces of their armor displayed. In the same sense it is done with the Dracthyr.

So we had the usual fur colour options for the Saberon model itself and then we’d just wear pieces of the armor we’re using.
With that there would never be the need for new catforms anymore and feral druids wouldn’t be stuck using the same models for 10 years in a row.

I’m happy to get some feedback if people have different point of views :slight_smile:

I mean I’m happy with the new catforms from emerald dream, but since then they released at least 3 transmogs i love but don’t really need since i can’t see them while playing anyways.

Anyways, happy for some feedback and enjoy your week guys!


I didnt care for it much. Make it a skin but lets not design the spec around being half cat half boomkin/caster. They already cant balance the cat alone.



I think it’s ugly and I certainly wouldn’t want to be forced to use it.

I was never a fan but am all for it being introduced as an optional form

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I personally dont want to beforced into it.
Make it a skin.
It would be nice for example to go to ZG and theres a special druid things you need to do to get different Saberon skins.
Make it tied to some lore thing.
Make it a fun experience too.

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