Bring back skyreach!

Please bring back skyreach, because this way we will have no chance to keep up with casters in PVP. Also put back Expel harm so we can generate chi. @blizzard




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Yeah, people are complaining about serenity being gone but that is livable without, not having skyreach and expel harm feel so gutted in PvP. I get that expel harm was bloat in PvE, but for PvP it did so much, cost low energy, heal, generate chi, maintain hit combo etc.

These two talents are so vital, and it’s very easy to implement again, just put skyreach at the final node of the strike of the windlord branch, and swap the position of ascension and combat wisdom in the talent tree so you can opt out of the passive expel harm if you want. No total rework needed.

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I’d be fine if they put Skyreach in pvp talents, but not the spec tree. We don’t need more mobility in pve and the crit buff was pretty unhealthy, the way it worked. Just repositioning Combat Wisdom to make it optional wouldn’t add the Chi generation back, and adding that back would defeat the whole point of Combat Wisdom.

The point was that it was a decision to reduce button bloat which is a problem for M+ and Raiding, but for PvP the change feels awful, tying one of your primary defensive and utility spells to your offensive abilities just feels off

Unpopular opinion, i think it’s a good thing they removed skyreach,
We got lighter than air and clash ( clash is amazing to chase with ] or rushing reflexes if you want.

So i have no idea why people complain, you should not have 100% uptime on casters, i feel like we have enough uptime as it is.

Should never put mobility in core rotation skills. it doesn’t make sense.

Agreed on the option suggestion

skysreach is horrible gamedesign, if you rely on something like this theres some other things that are wrong. Like current Frost mage slow/root design, stuff like blastwave knockback on such a short cd etc.

The problem is Roll isn’t just your mobility, it’s part of your defensive kit and your offensive kit, roll is now supposed to fill the role of charge, disengage, sprint, heroic leap, and blink all on one button

Button bloat can be problematic, but this kind of design is also problematic since your almost have to overanalyze how to use your roll in every situation since ALL your mobility, your ability to close gaps, your ability to kite, your ability to CC, it’s all bound to one ability. And besides, there have already been people talking about how having the charge on roll effect confuses them, it’s advantageous when they want to use it offensively, but then when they just want to roll around a pillar, or roll near something to CC with leg sweep or something, suddenly it behaves like a charge.

It’s all around just a messy design

thats just wrong,

cuase you not only have 3 rolls but also clash with 3 charges after another when you take rodeo, also double trancendence port, flying serpent kick and tigers lust ontop of those 2 offensive mobility tools.

yes you have to think about some things on how you use that mobility but this is good and not bad. Mindlessly spamming something without thinking or tradeoff is bad not good.

the roll dash passive instead of clash is indeed weird and messy and i dont like it at all cause it can make you charge on random times and things.

It should give your tiger palm a dash after rolling with an internal cd or something like that so you have control over it instead of this passive dash after a roll in my opinion

Honestly I agree with this.

As someone who is maining monk after playing only ranged since Wrath, I’ve enjoyed WW immensly, but I don’t want to go against veteran ww players here.

I got to play WW before the prepatch and yes, Skyreach was easy to get used to. But overall I don’t think abilities like that are good for the game.

However for pvp, I believe Clash is a suitable replacement, both thematically, it has a bigger range and for the fact it serves as a pseudo interrupt.

I know mages will be impossible to stick too, but I believe that was the case so far aswell (and goes for all melee).

Clash is great assuming it works, which sometimes it does not. I think a slightly lower CD on clash through a talent could be good?

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