Bring back Swift Spectral Tiger

You can buy spectral tiger for like 80 mill gold.

Sorry but some your personall preferences dont really objectively decide if that thing is unique - its maybe unique for you but it doesnt mean its regularly unique. What objectively makes stuff unique is (specifically) for example difficulty of obtaining, low drop chance or a limited number of that stuff (which is/was the case of TCG mounts) - THAT objectively determines the uniqueness of a specific thing (and its in principle same like with many other things in real life), not if you think something looks cool/unique to you so it must be unique to everyone, thats irrelevant and also quite self-centered… For example I dont like much appearance of Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent, but that doesnt make it not unique, it have very low drop chance and is hard to obtain and is thus unique no matter what I or you think of it

Nor do yours. Just to make that clear.

Well that’s just nonsense.
Unique: being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
There is basically nothing in WoW like that (not 100% true, but for the stuff we’re speaking of it definitely is true). None of the TCG things are one-of-a-kind; multiple codes exist. Are they limited? Sure. But that’s not ‘unique’.

It’s not unique.
Rare and unique are not the same thing.

(and yes my use of unique in my former reply was wrong; but in my defense; you used the term, so I just rolled with it).

Thats not nonsense, that is a fact. In WoW terminology, many people always used unique term basically for most stuff that was rare on drop or hard to obtain since vanilla - call it rare or unique is just little quibble, the main meaning of it is basically the same. Of course there isnt only just one item for only 1 player in whole WoW to make it by 100% really unique, its MMORPG with many other people playing, but thats not the point

Doesn’t make it correct. Words matter.

No it completely isn’t.
If you mean ‘rare’, say rare.
Something unique is always rare (very rare even), but something rare does not have to be unique.

Since unique means exactly THAT, yes that WAS my point.

Anyway… Let’s drop this back and forth.

I’m in favor of bringing back old rewards; you are not.
Let’s agree to disagree. Because disagreeing is fine.

I consider grinding aking to putting effort, rather than just being lucky of being born in the correct year or playing in the correct time.
Skill/Effort > Grinding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fomo.

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You are very removed from reality, my friend.
I own plenty of removed things, and I think all of them should be added back.
FOMO should be erased, it’s idiotic.
Everything should remain in the game to be gained as they are.
We have achievements for logging WHEN you got something “when it was hard” if you’re sincerely that desperate for a reward of owning something digital.
I’m sure you’re worried about your selfesteem-level, rather than me being haunted by “fomo beast” :slight_smile:

So, As someone who OWNS loooooads of removed things:
add them back, they are there to enjoy to look at — not for some epeen insecure little people.


Also, keep in mind that they could put Fomo Stuff behind either insane grinds, or content, which is more challenging than it used to be.
Example: After you reach KSH, you can buy past KSM mounts with valor only once per season per character. This is harder and more grindier, and you also don’t get the KSM achievement anyway for this.

Im not removed from reality, because apart from you I at least understand to collecting valuable things. Its nice you have looooooads of removed things (probably more than me according to achievement points), but its a big pitty you obviously dont understand value of such unique things. You are playing online game (not single player game) with other people and it is supposed to be challenging in some ways, like participating in collecting things, that are limited to specific expansion and are not constantly, thats why its here since vanilla and its totally ok. Some small date in achievement log notifying “if you completed it when it was hard or after that” dont make much difference, everyone looks mainly on if you ACTUALLY have the unique/unobtainable stuff, not when you completed it.
Like it or not, but more idiotic is “all unobtainable/unique things to all for enjoy them” (even if you mean it with good intention), it does more harm to game itself than good. We are playing this game, besides, to achieve something and to challenge with other people and we should be properly rewarded for that by some unique stuff after, thats the whole point why many people actually play video games. Its not charity to give everyone everything to not make any poor guy feel offended or discriminated because he doesnt got the unique stuff like someone else who put effort in obtaining it back then when it was actuall. Dont really need to be that hypercorrect, theres enough hypercorrectivity nowadays in real life anyway, no need to put it in games also, where many of us want to relax from real life things.
I said it many times, if you want to experience unobtainable stuff again, theres WoW Classic exactly for this purpose, but stop absurdly mixing it with current/retail WoW version. - Or new players will always have the chance to collect unique stuff from current wow versions when its still actuall (everyone have the very same chance)

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Looks like you don’t know what limited edition stands for.

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Value is not placed on “Oh god this person had no way of being able to get that” or “Oh god I must get this before it disappears”.
That’s sheeple-mindset.
If you put value there, I highly suggest you rethink and start working on your selfesteem.

Looks like you put value on very shallow and sheeply things - where as I do not, and actually think less of people who do… :smiley:

Dude, believe it or not, but value itself is sometimes placed exactly on that (even on many things in real life) and if some specific guy was personally able or not to get it is irrelevant. Let me remind it to you once again, because you maybe overlooked it in my previous comment: you are playing online game, and such game genre is often based upon challenges with other people, which includes, besides, also collecting of some unique/limited stuff thats not supposed to be consistent for the whole time (of game version/expansion), theres nothing wrong or sheeple-mindset on it, thats just one of the reasons why many people play video games, like it or not but thats just the way it is.
And again, as I mentioned before, for old/removed stuff you got WoW Classic version exactly for this purpose, so theres objectively just no need to put old stuff back on retail since if theres classic version + besides, if someone is sorry for not getting the old unique stuff before it became unobtainable, there is literally tons of actuall things in modern wow version to collect before they will become legacy stuff, no one is somehow disadvantaged, its not strictly necessary for everyone to watch to the past ages after these old things.
I dont think theres something for me to rethink, but if you cannot understand described above, I can suggest you on the contrary to think about if this WoW online game/genre is fitting you, because it seems like you dont understand or like much challenges with other people mentioned above, which is the core point of WoW itself since vanilla for almost 20 years…

Dude, believe it or not, but value itself is sometimes placed exactly on that

And it shouldn’t, it’s sheeply idiocrazy to put value on that.

Value should be applied to:
Does it make me happy / positive emotion?
Do I like the way it looks?
Was it challenging me or teaching me something, maybe I overcome something to obtain it?

Value should Not be applied to:
Do other people like it?
Do other people not have this?
Was this a GET NOW BEFORE IT IS GONE deal and I happened to get it because I was at the right place at the right time?

If you are of the latter, you are brainwashed.

Also to make it EVEN MORE CLEAR:
“This was obtainable 1923, July 1st, at 14:52 - only” does not make it challenging, it makes it dumb.
I put zero value on that and find it stupid how it’s not obtainable anymore:
it’s a digital item, there is no scarcity, there is no reason for it to not exist today.

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i’m pretty sure they’ll either give it out as loot on prime or add it to trading post , probably in an important day/month like anniversary.

Thats exactly how it just DOES NOT work even in real life things no matter of what you, I or somebody else thinks about it, if its physical thing or digital code is not very important now, the principle is just same in both cases. Nobody cares if something is valued to you personally, the value itself is in vast majority of cases objectively determined by how unique the stuff is, or how hard is to get it or whats the amount of it (which is in general the most important parameter). For example if we take gold itself from real life, the gold IS objectively valued because on world there is limited amount of it and its really not important at all if you dont like gold but you like silver or bronze more, they are not just much valued like gold, because on world there is bigger amount of them. The gold got value because of this, even if you might dont like it.
In that case, you could call brainwashed all people who buy precious gold, because you dont like like gold but you like silver or bronze more, which is just ridiculous…
Of course, in case of digital stuff, theres universally no “limit” of it, but thats not the point of it when we talk about uniqueness of unobtainable stuff now, though in general theres not any regulation that digital stuff must be always in unlimited amount.

So you use an example of something I pointed out:
There IS a limit to its existance; Gold – we only have X much on planet earth.
For digital goods; this is not the case. It’s a piece of code.
The limit is purely made up.
That’s what makes it idiotic and people who put value in that are brainwashed.

Where did you pointed something about gold? I used it because its probably the best example.
About the digital code, yes, of course practically theres no limit for it, but as I mentioned theres also in general no regulation that determines it must be in unlimited amount at any case. In general, theoretically for example theres also no limit for 100+ years old veteran cars if we look on it by that way, car manufacturers like Ford, Mercedes etc. could essentially reintroduce their old car models if they want (if they was able to made them 100+ years ago, they surely can make them even nowadays), but it doesnt automatically mean they will do it even if they actually can - the same in principle it is with that digital code, because such step will always causes in some way loss of uniqueness and value of such old stuff in both cases and it doesnt matter much now if that stuff is physical or digital, because in principle its same in both cases. Thats what Im trying to explain you for the whole time…
You can think whatever you want about people, who put value in digital stuff, but if there is enough of them who do it this way, it will just have objectively value no matter if you personally like it or no - you can take a look on bitcoin for example, its also just digital/virtual thing and look what value it actually got… nowadays, it is what it is

Imagine being this toxic lmao

Wasn’t it an incredibly rare Promo Card from TCG? Or am I missing something.

Whilst I’m not against using these old Promotional items for new Promotions. I would get it myself if it came up. But I probably wouldn’t see myself riding beyond the first ride. Mainly because it would no longer hold any value.

Personally, I would rather see other players riding these mounts because of their scarcity, than having the mount myself.

When they put the Tyrael’s Charger on the Shop over Xmas, I bought it with some gold. It felt rubbish. It felt worse than any other store mount feels.