I think you may have misread the entire thread. I dont think any of us called for it to be “removed” but rather have the shear level of spam be controlled.
And I do like the irony of downloading and using something that is not supported to manage, control and reduce something (advert) that is not supported.
As far as I am aware there are limits on how many times you can post in the channels (frequency), I have always found trade to be a channel full of spam, it used to be guild ads and raid boost runs. It is worse now that people sell a gazillion mythic plus runs in there too. I far rather they were relegated to trade that clog up the LFG tool.
I have trade and general on another chat tab that is hidden behind the others until I need it. The incessant spam has long driven me up the wall and I don’t use an addon to clean it up.
I think the frequency is like 2 in any 30 second period or something ? I dont know exactly as its never been an issue for me.
The channel has indeed always had its fair share of guild recruits, and items being sold. Raid boosts like M+ boosts was not really something that was rampant until legion and now BFA by a million miles.
But I dont think it would clog up the LFG tool, as I say in my suggestion instead of Raid, Dungeon, Quest etc you have one at the bottom called “Boost Service”.
It wont clog up LFG as its in that 1 area, free’s up /2 etc.
But yeah in recent times I really dont really pay attention to anything below /5 and it spends most of its time hidden. Which is a shame really. Used to have some right good chats and laughs in /2 as well as trades.
But they are already giving it legitimacy by knowingly allowing the advertisement and spamming of this service in any channel (not just trade) by anyone be it level 120, 60 or level 1.
They do not support it now, neither would they have to if they added an area in the lfg tool, they could even add a massive warning pop up every time you went into it that it is not supported and any loss of gold cannot be reclaimed.
rules are subject to change every moment, something being against rules right now, doesnt mean it will be against the rules tomorrow - hence the discussion
It is. A supported transaction is one via the Auction House. Any deal that involves you trading gold with another player for an item or service is not.
I have explained twice now that not supported does not equal against the rules and vice versa.
If you enter into an agreement with a fellow player that requires you to trade it is at your own risk. I have friends who were ripped off when it comes to these types of transactions. Personally I have never trusted anyone unless they are a friend so I prefer to be self sufficient or stick to the auction house.
I have nothing against people buying boosts or selling them. I am just not interested in buying or selling myself. Equally others can do as many trade deals as they like
I 100% percent agree with you. Blizzard need to step in do something about the spam for services. They need to essentially take a stand to either support it and give the tools to be non intrusive to others or outright make it against ToS.
Yes they are legitimising it
To define legitimise in american English : to make something legal or acceptable or in the case of business English : to make something that is not fair or honest seem acceptable .
To Support it would be to manage the gold transaction such as trading via the AH.
Blizzard do not always get involved. They may punish the player who is scamming but you will not necessarily get your gold back. Because it is unsupported.