Bring back the chat restrictions due boost sellers

Up until the last few months my server did not have any boost sellers. Personally i have nothing against people selling boosts. If people want to pay gold for that then good for the seller and the buyer i guess.

Personally i have zero interest in this and i will not just report or ignore people for simply selling that on the trade chat.

The beef i do have with it however is the sheer spam of it. They keep posting the same message over and over again even when nobody else is using the trade chat. Wich just gets annoying. So i ignore these obnoxious ones, that should be the end of it right? Its not, because these gold sellers have adopted the chinese gold seller tactic from years ago. They keep spamming and then make a new lvl 1 char to continue after like 15 minutes.

Blizz really should start cracking down on these kind of boost sellers, especially since the most obnoxious ones often post links to websites regarding the payment ( wich is pretty shady)

There is no benefit from making lvl 1 chars over and over, because people who ignored you certainly wont change their mind to buy your stuff if you annoy the hell out of them.

What happened to the chat restrictions in the first place, for quite a while you had to be lvl 10 to be able to whisper and use the trade chat. this was put in place to deal with chinese gold sellers with the exact same obnoxious advertising style.

So blizz please deal with the spamming boost sellers, or atleast put the restrictions back for lower levels at the minimum of lvl 10 (perhaps even high concidering the amount of levels we have, lvl 20 would be pretty reasonable as well)


Honestly. The only thing I can suggest is /leave 2 (or what ever was the command to leave the trade channel :D)

Or make a separate tab for trade channel…if you outright refuse to leave it.
And in before somebody shouts the: “I dont want to miss any trade offers there?!”
Please. In my experience both on low pop realm and on a high pop realm.
I saw a real WTB, WTT, WTS message like…once in 3 weeks? The chat was either dead or had some idiotic a*** jokes.

Leaving trade channel and getting some peace and quiet but losing the chance to see 1 real trade offer…once a month.
I think that’s a fair trade no? :smiley:

What if i say “i don’t want to miss the idiotic jokes”. There are plenty of people asking for help/guilds or looking for people with certain proffesions. Although not many people selling mats or finished products.

As i said there is nothing wrong with trying to sell a boost for gold if you advertise normally. However if they adopt the same obnoxious spamming style as the chinese gold sellers wich blizz cracked down upon, then maybe this kind of spam should be adressed. After all its not exactly normal for the average person to make a new lvl 1 chars every 30 minute to continue the spam with because people put you on ignore

Honestly, the suggestion you make is basicly “if you dont like this obnoxious spam wich is obviously shady, then just abandon some of the last social aspect this game has”


There is a general, the 3rd chat(local defense was it?). What about those?
And 2nd. Trade channel. is just what it is TRADE. Its not Blizz’s fault that some players use it to discuss what they ate for dinner yday and all that banter.
Edit: Since so far. The spammers are mostly concentrating in the /2 channel. You can go…look for your people with certain professions there?

All I am suggesting. Is what you can do to overcome the issue. But I suppose…there are 2 kind of people. One which is adaptive and can figure ways how to overcome an issue which is bothering them. The other kind: Will sit on their hands and blame and ask Blizzard for everything…

Why do i have to leave /2 because of these braindamaged ape bots spammin 24/7?

Maybe Activision gotta make a special channel so the bots and the people who want to buy boosts can all live happy there in the Boostneyland.

Not even Ignore or Report doing something since there are dozens of these low level characters so dont tell me to leave chat when there are tons of solutions.


Precisely, the spamming could atleast be slowed down a bit if they make every single lvl 1 unable to just walk to sw and spam. Like it used to be before. That way people atleast have a short moment of silence before the next lvl freshly made bot comes to sw or oggri to spam


Because leaving the /2 channel is exactly how you can fight “those braindamaged ape bots spammin 24/7”. Loss of people reading those mgs is their biggest “fear”.

But like I said. There are 2 types of people. I prefer to adopt. EIther use addons or just leave the chat channel(still. Highly encourage it. Haven’t regretted it at all.).
If protesting on the forums is in your view the best approach…well. Free speech and guess the forums were made for that reason. I guess… have fun?

Yea i preffer to adapt (not adopt) as well.
I’ve tried BadBoy addon , i’ve tried multiple Reports with my alts , i’ve tried Ignore…

NONE is working.
Unless someone else found a perma solution to fight this spam cancer , please tell me what else i have to do.

Oh… And what a great solution to leave /2
After this braindead mechanic called Sharding , lets leave chat as well .

I always had a dream to play an online game without a chat tab and people disappearing infront of me


Ah yes, imagine if nobody protested again the chinese gold seller years back, you would literally still be whispered by a new lvl 1 char bot every single minute.

The problem isnt that the trade chat is being used or has alot of the same messages. its because you see many different lvl ones spamming the exact same message day every single day, often with links to sites on wich they sell the boosts.
When you get tired of some lvl 120 trying to sell boosts, you ignore him and its over. Because the 120 is an actual player. You can’t tell me that someone who spents all day every day creating lvl 1 chars to advertise his boost selling website is an actual player.

Automated spam by bots certainly is something that needs to be taken care off

Ok. The sharding issue is on Blizz. But regarding the chat. 1 character has completely left /2. Other has its on a separate tab.
Works perfectly fine. I sometimes even check the /2 chat tab for “lols” while waiting for the queue to pop up or the m+ party to be ready.

And I will repeat before. There is still /1 chat. The “general” chat? You can have your in-game chatting if you so wish…there?
Why does everyone want to discuss their guild or raiding adventures or ask for help or…“make idiotic jokes”. EXACTLY at the TRADE channel?

That might be so, but its still no reason to ignore the bots spamming the place up. Hence why plenty of people complain about it, or dislike boost sellers in general

Completely agree, They have become really bad to be faire i would restrict them to like 2-3 lines max because they fill litterrally every slot they get with useless trash whatever they can fill it with.

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You mean a bit like leveling up chat skills? the more time you invest in leveling a char, the less likely you are to be a bot made for spamming. So you will be able to post more the higher you get?

Honestly just the option to have ignore extend to the entire account of that person would also be an option i suppose. Atleast then we wont have to see new lvl 1 chars spamming the place up multiple times per hour

Actuelly i just mean 2-3 lines of wich you could use to write in. The max is currently 5 lines.

Also your ignore idea works aswell but i rather have the max lines shortent

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I know it’s not a solution to the problem in itself, but you can get an addon like, I guess it was Badboy (?) and filter every level 1 message ? That should alleviate your case a bit ?

They can do something about it but clearly don’t as the RP realms Argent Dawn for example had zero boost selling spam in trade. Question is why doesn’t Blizzard stop it on other realms. Do they count those bot accounts as subscribers? I know they stopped publishing numbers a while back but would trade be that embarrassingly dead without them?

A large portion of the “Dead’ness” of /2 is because of the gold selling spams which has now turned into boost selling spams. People gave up in being able to use /2 properly way back because any message you put was drowned out within 0.5 seconds and would take a while to find by scrolling up. This has now unfortunately emerged again as boost runs.
I remember back in Cata and MoP using /2 buying and selling and trading very effectively.

Blizz did not crack down on the spams themselves per se. Blizz finally caved in (after they realised their missing out on a lot of cash) to sell something which would give people gold and make a shed load of cash in the process.

I have actually seen the boost spams also spill out into these, probably because people know people have these switched on and have /1,/2 /3 all in the same tab and so it raises visibility .

Off course there are ways to personally overcome the issue, but it does nothing to resolve it.
Imagine I go to the garage and have a new set of tyres fitted. Slowly but surely the steering wheel begins to judder because although not mandatory, balancing the wheels was not done properly. I could personally get some blue-tac and make it stick to resolve the issue, or I could ask the garage to take a look at what I feel they should have done and made sure it was kept in check.

Imagine a new player coming to the game. Excited to play a game with others running free and wold in game doing quests and poof people vanish (sharding) ok maybe they logged out.
The you get to a city and poof
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS
Hi guys
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS
Hello ?
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS
WTS Mythic Boost
Buy your Boost now
We sell BOOSTS

and all this within a 15-20 second window. As a new player if im honest id have just left and not bothered. Lucky for me,w hen I came back after my time away I still had friends I could talk to, and so this was lessened, but it still bothers me because although I dont mind the selling of boosts, what should be an in game community that chats, mingles and interacts socially is being destroyed.

I firmly believe having an in game services group finder tool is the way to go.
Like dungeons, raids, world quests, have a space for boost services and limit / make a ruling that any such adverts are for in there only (including “Looking for Boost”).

Will this legitimise such services, yes, but by not preventing the spams you are doing that anyhow. As for being scammed, thats still on your shoulders. Maybe raider. io could be useful for a change and develop a rating system based on how good of a service people deliver…


The best solution would be to give boost sellers and buyers a dedicated forum thread to post their offers and requests.
At least an adequate one would move their ads there, badboys then can be punished. As of now they have to compete live in chat and it’s supposed to turn into spam eventually.

Selling a service for gold belongs in trade. It is not going to be removed by Blizzard because it’s not against the rules (it’s not supported either).

You can use addons like badboy to remove the spam from your own view though.

Add the badboy plugin “Badboy_CCleaner” it has a blacklist option, so you can add “Boost” “Selling Mythic” etc and it will simply filter those messages out of your chat completely. You will likely need to add various connotations but it is the only way I have been able to do it.