Bring back Tol Barad

Bring back Tol Barad as a server specific battleground that you can queue for like it was in the good old days. No idea why they ever got rid of this battleground.


Far better than the likes of Ashran


100% this, also Strand of the Ancients


I loved SOTA but unfortunately it always resulted in half games in the end, whoever was on the attacking side last would mostly leave the game if it didn’t go well in the first round. Think it would have to have some sort of rethink and redesign to be worth really bringing back.

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Strand of the Ancients was my fav Epic BG.
Why they removed it?
Todays Epic BGs are not fixed aswell.
As one guy said… they are determined who will win in the first 1-2 mins, when one team take the important bases.

First of all… It wasn’t an epic BG… :face_with_peeking_eye:
I played the sh1t out of that map in RBG, most of the time it was imbalanced due to vehicle/turret/bombs HP and DMG issues, the attacker meta changed between demolishers vs. bombs, the defender meta changed between using turrets or not. This imbalance or HP/DMG favoured either the attackers or the defenders at a given patch. And yeah, the map was very bug-affine. That ride with the ship at the start was stupid^^

In general, BGs where you as a player go into something, having only 2-3 buttons to spam isn’t fun. It fully negates your character. Especially in SotA there was no strategic variety in what you do in the vehicles or turrets.

So, it was nothing especially positive, I think you guys are missing it because it isn’t available anymore :sweat_smile: Also Tol Barad is getting a nostalgic bonus here???

If Tol Barad is introduced as an epic BG, I (as someone who nowadays plays epic BGs only in with the same premade…) can assure you that it will have the same “BG is won in under 2 minutes”-issue. If the attackers are stronger, they will get those 3 bases in no time. If the defenders are stronger, they will surely hold 1 base until the timer runs out and destroy the towers to lower the defending time to a minimum. It will be just like Thousand Winter with a much more boring map… :dracthyr_shrug:

(Sorry to be THAT guy, but the truth is the truth^^)

we are in desperate need of some wpvp events that aren’t just graveyard zerging

but also, i have a feeling taht this will highlight just how much stronger and dominant alliance is nowdays compared to prebfa

gotta start from somewhere tho

My only hope is that they bring a new world PvP event that occurs every few hours where you have to fight across Khaz’algar where you can organize full scale battles between raids, sort of how Ashran worked back in WoD with events here and there with different objectives.
Rework World PvP to make it more engaging to join big groups vs another big group for control of strategic “nodes” all scattered across the map and whoever controls them the dominant faction gains a buff of some sort. Maybe blizz could utilize that function from previous expansions to add a revamped version on TWW


the worst thing that has happened to Ashran is that players see it only as a Zerg simulator in the mid road. It was so cool back then in WoD when all the buffs, events, and stuff really cared

This is exactly why Ashran should be treated as a permament Brawl in which you speak to some npc that also gives a quest to complete 4 events or kill tremblade/volrath and is once a week which can also be used for alt gearing. Non brainer.

The worst thing Blizzard did was get rid of PvP realms and killing wPvP.

Does anyone else get bored spamming the same BGs all day ?

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aka creating warmode, i agree, terrible, TERRIBLE idea

but i don’t have the energy to explain it for the 500 time knowing that ill have to explain it a 501 and a 1000 someday x)


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