Bring back World PVP


After the introduction of dragonflying, a lot of players can simply jump away to get out of combat, mount a dragon and fly away. And there is nothing you can do, since net-o-matic 5000 is too slow.

  • Introduce net-o-matic 6000 that works much faster with a stun effect.
  • Players that get in combat while sitting on ground should get de-mounted in PVP


  • When players are in pvp combat, prevent them from sharding to another place when joining a group.
    • This has existed for a long time, and is a big issue ruining WPVP.

Dungeon finder

  • Similarly, if you are playing Warmode ON, and get in combat, you should not be able to join a dungeon mid pvp combat, and simply disappear. The dungeon finder should just wait until combat is finished with a few second delay, and then invite the player, and keep the priority for the player.


  • The current world pvp is absolutely horrible, and I hope devs would steer it more toward classic directions – where players dont keep disappearing during combat.