Bring Crossfaction BGs or PVP will be even more dead

Alliance dominance in BGs since Dragonflight is absurdly ridiculous. Every1 who can press more than S-packpaddle Button joined alrdy alliance. Leftovers on horde side are clueless npcs and bots who dont know how to play the game properly. Its at an point where it becomes absurdly frustating to que BGs as horde. If blizzard does not pay attention to this, more people will leave PVP or the game completly. Iam also considering both choices at this point. I have exaclty zero fun anymore to que for PVP and we did not even talked about premades.


There’s obviously plenty of good Horde players. Many of them post on the forums.

I am fond of the idea of cross-faction BG’s, I think it would reduce a lot of perceived (& actual) biases.
Unlikely to happen any time soon though.

For now we have Blitz; cross-faction, no premades & if you’re good enough, you won’t have to play with “clueless npcs and bots.”


There is no reason for them to not have it at this point.

It’s a little weird being able to do old raids with friends, regardless of faction, yet I can’t do random BGs with them, but at the same time, I can do arenas with them?

It’s messy all around. Either make cross faction everything, or cross faction nothing. (Make cross faction everything please).


Alliance dominating?
I was in bgs where hordes throwed us away like a ragdolls all over the place.


it pvp horde vs allience stomp allience loser like why want cross fection u bendik arnold to u fection deam dude u dont wear allience bedge pride lol

No offense, but I didn’t understand anything you said. :dracthyr_uwu:

If we can get Crossfaction PvP, then we can have things like Auto-balancing!

(Benedict Arnold was an American ‘traitor’ in the 1700s)

Faction Pride isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but the (perceived) faction bias in BGs (#players, wait-time, terrain, queu-syncing, w/l ratio…) could be solved by mixing factions.

What are some tangible reasons why keeping factions separate in BGs would be a good thing?

…& curiously, how do you feel about mixed factions in Blitz?


Respect for making sense of this alphabet soup and ty for the history lesson.


sorry dude did not mean typ it bad my english just horrbol also dlyexsia so ye why typ work bad it why dont typ anymore

Have you considered running your text through ChatGPT before posting?

Please translate the following into online gamer linguistics:
“sorry dude did not mean typ it bad my english just horrbol also dlyexsia so ye why typ work bad it why dont typ anymore”

-‘“Sorry, bro, didn’t mean to type that poorly, my English sucks and I’ve got dyslexia, so yeah, why bother typing when it just turns out bad anyway?”.’

(…won’t help in the heat of battle, but it may help get your message across in the forums & make your posts a little easier to decipher).

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Death to the horde!

i will do thet thx man

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