Bring the raid looting system into M+ to prevent ninja looting

People seem to have forgotten the horrors of ninja looting and its come back in the form of people whispering and trading people for drops in M+ without calling for a roll.

Some brainlet players dont think thats an option but i’m sick of losing items to people who dont care about fairness because they dont need the item.

The same is true about being invited to groups of friends who already have an undesclosed agreement to only share the loot for themselves and not let anyone else have it. I propose adding the raid system in and if people want to need roll it for friends it will at least give the others a chance to get the gear.

Whispering and trading is extremely toxic behaviour which has gone unnoticed becasue its used by so many players its become normal.

Thankfully its been phased out of raiding but I remember last xpac tons of people directly whispering me when an item dropped and even straight up trading hoping they could steal it from the group.

You not getting an item is not ninja looting, it’s called rng. This entire game is rng. You don’t deserve an item more or less than the person that whispers someone else.
Personally? Unless I say anyone want/need I’m keeping it and the person whispering me is being put on ignore.


The wonders of personal loot… If i get a piece of loot, it’s mine, and i get to decide what to do with it … If that is disenchant it in front of you, or give it to a friend, that’s my call, as it’s my loot… So no ninja looting there.

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OMG… I had enough of you people in SL… complaining with out context…

Look. Go to the forums. Look at the literal rivers of tears from people complaining of GL in Raids and people needing offspec stuff and asking gold for the item.

You want that? NO?

Then dont make their mistake. Stop complaining. PL is the best there is. Not perfect, but the best.

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Its not your loot, regardless of what i have.
I am under no obligation to give it to you or anyone else? If i am helping out a freind and i get loot they can use i will give it to them.
I i dont need it i might ask people to roll for it but in no way are you entitled to my loot.

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