Bring Titanic Leggings on P3

vendors in WSG will have avaible the pants that introduced in P6… i think for us that dont have so much time for PvP its fair to drop the titanic leegings on the game in P3…

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yea they already added naxx level pvp sets, adding titanic leggings to further inflate the arcanite prices makes sense

And where did you get that info? It was stated earlier that WS legs would be only available during P6 and I didn’t read any blue post about a change at that level.
BWL patch only adds faction rewards from 1.6 and 1.7, and WS legs were introduced at patch 1.11.

And that link also only talks about faction rewards from 1.6 patch, nothing about the WS legs added in 1.11.

Then im rong :slight_smile: but again my opinion is to bring those nice pants :slight_smile:

Well put your opinion where the sun doesn’t shine.
We don’t need titanic yet.

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