Hi there,
I’m looking for a friendly mature guild on either faction on Mirage Raceway or Pyrewood Village for WOTLK.
My intention is to level a Paladin (Holy with Prot OS) and Warlock(probably Demo)for raiding/dungeons and a Hunter for farming.
I’m open to altering my class plans on needs of the guild.
My goal is to clear content casually and have fun in a mature social guild.
I have not played WOTLK continuously, however, I did have most classes at 80 during WOTLK retail and clear ICC10/25
A little bit about me: Dad of 2 and avid PC gamer since 2002, started Warcraft late TBC.
I played with the same Guild on retail from 2008-2019. Achieved some AOTC, high M+ scores and PvP’d a bit.
I have sporadically played classic era and TBC and really enjoyed it but I have not had the spare time to commit to a raiding guild. Circumstances have changed and I will be regularly online for WOTLK.
I speak good English, helpful, social and take pride in my characters performance.
My only stipulations for a guild are: GDKP or loot council free, must be an established guild - not a levelling guild that randomly invites all guildless players and is free from the hardcore mentality of clearing content as fast as possible with loot dramas.
Thankyou for taking the time to read:)
I can be contacted on this forum
Edit: Found a guild that suits me - no longer required