Broken design of demonology

I’m not sure you are right about that one
I mean, WoW is primarly a PvE game, PvP element is almost a non-existant bonus for a - compared to PvE - small group
If you take the main features of the last expansion - Raid, M+ (these two are universal tho’), Island, Visions, Warfronts, they are 80% of the game or more, while the PvP is somewhere down the line , bottom of the barrel thus every class/spec design is designed with PvE enviroment in mind - and constantly tweeked thanks to the desperate attempt to make the PvP community happy - a practice that usually ends in disaster, ruining both
Taking for example the two game I’m very familiar with SW:ToR and AION, both have better PvP design, actually in SW:ToR case, aside the “Myth Raids” (called there Operations) only the PvP is the endgame content, so basically 50%-50%, the design is forced to make it right
While in AION you can’t turn off PvP (well, now you can, but from the start, aside from the starter area, you were tossed in the meat grinder and engame was basically fully PvP ) “Warmonde” you either learn to live with the be a predator or be a prey life, or quit… and all the skills and classes are designed with this mindset in mind - while you leveling/grinding there is always a member (or a whole flock…) who just wait to jump on you…
Its a PvE game and I guess always will be
So expecting Blizz to fine tune the skills to work in PvP… is not too wise, if you asks me.
But usually nobody asks me, so… ^^
Naturally, you are entitled to have your own oppinion and you brought up very very good points and argument! Just I think holding that last straw, WoW is a PvP oriented game and expecting to be good in that… ?
Brave to say at least
But this is just my oppinion; so my advice is:
Save yourself a headache and don’t expect any PvP balance or anything tha remotely resemble a balanced and well designed PvP enviroment… :roll_eyes:

It doesn’t mean that PvP is abandoned. Blizz advertises wow and last Xpacs using PvP as one of the great features. BFA: updated warmode, PvP islands. Legion: Updated honor system.
And blizzard doesn’t restrict you from using certain classes/specs in PvP, so they mean that all classes/specs are tuned and designed for both game modes.
Right now numbers of specs have glaring issues in PvP, “not all specs should work in PvP” is not an excuse. If spec is “not designed” for PvP then Blizzard should admit it and not allow players use that in PvP - it is cruel but at least fair solution. If they doesn’t do that, it means that their designer philosophy that all classes/specs should be viable in PvP and PvE. Right now in BFA when itemisation alone locks you to one spec should reinfoce such vision, because unlike previous xpacs your gear now has move power value, and gatthering more gear for other specs is insane task.

puppeteer spec should be the 4th, because untill it’s core tech issues are not fixed to work flawlesy, we should give Meta desing a shot. When Puppeteer spec will be fixed and at it’s best then and only then we should bring it to the table. Because no player should fight spec mechanics on tech level like demo does that right now.

why replace the current spec with something else and make the current spec the 4th? that wouldnt make any sense, easier to just make the 4th spec the new thing

Techical issues, to fix pet AI, they need to rewamp some serious parts of game engine. It takes time, especialy on engine that runs WoW.
Old demo structuraly has same code parts like other specs/classes, it didn’t realied heavily on pets, we had only our main demon, and several addtional pets that had not much screen time in comparison to rest of demo stuff. Because of that bringing back old demo or it’s iteration won’t take much time. And they can easily brink old demo back, while they do needed adjustments for Pet AI/navmesh/coding and other stuff, to bring puppeteer version of warlock better then it has ever been.

they are clearly happy with how the spec works, thats why they are not changing it, thats means if they were to bring back some old version it would be the 4th spec, because yeah they might need to fix some pet stuff, but if they were bringing something back as a 4th spec the only logical way to do it would be to bring it in as the 4th spec, rather than rejigging everything. there would be no reason to remove a spec compeltely to rejig some stuff tehcnically and bring it back,

take guardian/feral, they didnt make guardian the second spec and then make feral the 4th spec, the 4th spec was created and made as the new thing, because its just easier.

Or they have no clue what to do with the spec.

Because there are still strange people who like the current design

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its completely subjective, liking it or hating it doesnt make you strange or stupid as other people have suggested, its a matter of opinion, some like some dislike, that just how it works, there are people out there that enjoy playing fire mage, i absolutely dispise it, they are not dumb or strange its just subjective

I mean it’s subjective to like or not but if we look at demonology and every other caster, demonology is the ONLY spec that need to hard cast 24/7 (cast takes forever btw the highest from every caster actually) and we don’t have instant except with a random proc or when dreadstalker fade.

The spec itself seems like a 10 years old design compared to the other, it just doesn’t make sense and ruin the spec.
That’s the point of the topic.


there are plenty of instant casts, demonic calling procs which are very frequent, demonic core procs which are also very frequent as well as soul strike which is a short CD ability that gives you the chance to move should you need

not every caster needs to be hyper mobile, other than blink look at arcane mage, if they have no access to blink and need to move for something they are generally more screwed that demonology

No arcane mage is got explosion/barrage as instant and can dmg while blinking even behind pillar.

I think you don’t understand what people try to tell you in this thread because you don’t compare all classes in all environments.

so what your saying is having some instant casts helps. like the 3 that i listed for you in the previous comment?

and im the one that doesnt understand?


Wdym the other got spammable instant we got only one on cd and the other are random.

I really don’t know what you are trying to do but I’m not going to waste my time anymore.

yes, i outright said that they are random, but generally by the time that dogs are up you will have an instant cast proc, or at least the past 3 years of playing the spec i have basically had instantly every time other than the first of combat.

the majority of the time is the same for demonic core procs, they are abundant, and therefore while its random its deterministic enough that its still mostly usable for mobility.

from what i can see you play a reasonable amount of demonology and should know this

I would argue there is no way on earth your gonna ever get all 36 speccs viable in all content. Hence why they’ve taken a new route

Meaning they want speccs to be viable in different content. This way speccs don’t replace one another and simply become a stronger option in some circumstances, they are pushing massively on this philosophy so I feel trying to push for all 36 speccs to be equalised in all content is simply just not gonna happen.

Demos strengths were just never built in favour of PvP. And blizzard don’t want all 3 speccs viable in 1 content regardless so this isn’t really a problem they see.

There are problems with the specc that I hoped would be fixed though

  • lack of interupt for example.

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