Brotherhood of Light PvE, Mirage Raceway, Alliance Dungeons+Raiding

Ok here’s what I have from this post and from contacts in game and paying people with alcohol (sorry it’s 24 hours late but got called into work yesterday :slight_smile: )


Marbat (Warrior)
Bomm (Warrior)
Chuxie (Warrior)(? didn’t name spec)

If needed
Refardem (Warrior)


Refardem (Polgara) (Mage)
Aldor (guessing Mage or Rogue)
Furylicious (Warrior)
Bobby P (Mage) - possibly (Warrior)
Frostbreeze (Holka) (Hunter)
Tsuyoshi (Rogue)
Tsuyoshi’s friend (Warlock)
Tidios (Hunter) maybe (Priest)


McKitchen (Holy Paladin)
Refardem (if needed) (Holy Paladin)
Preastor (Priest)
Callii (One of the healing classes :))

Possibly joining

Doriana (Druid Healer)
Martine (Druid)

I’ve probably missed someone if so, I apologise and poke me - especially in the current WoW guild, forgotten who said they wanted to play.

Probably at launch Mckitchen and I will start around IF as wanted to play mage initially (Polgara) and he’ll need someone to kill stuff so we’ll get the charter up and running if anyone would like to add me in game it’s Refardem#2549 I’ll be resetting everything next week as not in work and will redo discord etc and post it here asap.