Brotherhood of Light PvE, Mirage Raceway, Alliance Dungeons+Raiding

HI there,

We’re currently recruiting all classes for the start of Classic WoW - we’ve been around the game since closed beta for the original 15 years ago so you would believe we’d know what we’re doing - how wrong you could be :slight_smile:

We have a lot of experience running all the dungeons and raids and in vanilla times did complete them all - so if you’d like to join us please post here or come have a chat on the Emerald Dream servers.

I’m looking for a PvE guild on Mirage Raceway. I’m also looking for the unofficial discord but I can’t find it.

I edited this post to make things clear: I’m looking for a DPS spot as a warrior!

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Discord was up a while ago when we were doing raiding in Bfa, will find it again before the 26th :slight_smile: you are more than welcome to join us.

Main post was done by me just remembered to take my new char off my postings :smiley:

Hi nice looking for a ppl from god old days. I will be playing warrior prot. Khal-1255

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Hi Bomm - think we’ll all be tanks and/or healers - just reserved a mage just in case, will personally be playing Holy Pally or mage seeing as a lot of older players seem to be going for prot warrior this time around.

You are more than welcome to come join us for the ride as soon as one of us grabs a guild signing thing :smiley:

Hi, haven’t played for years but am insanely excited about classic. Thinking of rolling a mage for cc or warrior because I loved leading in dungeons, but not sure I can face the grind. Will definitely be looking for a guild though please.

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As soon as I find the discord details again will post them here - I will be around for server launch for definite along with 2/3 other players so will be contactable in game for anyone who wishes to join.

Welp if im able id love to join you guys… just a quck heads up i’ll prob be a warr (not sure if tank or just dps) and i like to grind and take my time ( all about that relaxin style of play). So if i im able to join i’ll prob be that one person in the guild that just grinds and farms stuff out ;D
Going for that gold and world drops ;D


Greetings Brotherhood of Light.

Let me intruduce myself. I am a 45 year od gamer from Sweden. Like many here I have been playing wow for a long time. I played as a paladin for years.
This time around will I roll a dwarf hunter named “Holke” (name is already reserved) and I am looking for a guild to call home. I have raided mostly in vanilla and TBC. To be upfront will I take my time as I level my hunter. I am not in a hurry and will defently not going for server first. I will explore the old world and looking forward for the realese date.
I am intrested to apply for your guild and I hope there is room for this old vetrean. I am also intrested to join your discord to get to know you all if accepted to the guild.

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This guild is one I shortlisted alongside another. Let me know when you have some discord info so I can hop in and say hi!

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ill have a look once we hit live the 27th

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Everyone is welcome whether you are going to be casual and want to get drunk and have a laugh on discord, or come along and raid all the 40 man stuff and do dungeons and get drunk and have a laugh on discord.

Since we have been playing since 2004 a lot of us are older and will be taking our time through some stuff but remembering vanilla there were only 2 or 3 guilds in the end capable of taking 40 man stuff down (including us) and no one got anywhere really fast :smiley:

The people that believe there will be a kill in MC after the first week are going to be in for a big shock, we will be there though and will have a good laugh doing it.

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I would love to join in! Im a bit scared the dps warrior spots will be filled quickly. Since there will be many of them

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I’ll post a list sometime in the next 24 hours of what we have currently, remember there’s 40 man raids so a lot of spots available to raid in vanilla plus we’ll hopefully have several groups running through dungeons etc so no need to worry about that currently - plus you’re one of the few warriors I’ve seen not wanting to go prot :smiley:


me and my friend want to join i will be lvling a rogue and my friend a warlock

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They want them thunderfury!

I will get on discord tommorow evening so i can post some stuff :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m looking for a guild/friends on Mirage too, currently my plans are to play a Dwarf priest or Hunter. My Btag is AshyBoy#2285, add my anyone interested.

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Hi. BC babe looking for home on Mirage. Will be leveling a Druid, Priest or Paladin.
I am mostly interested in healing PVE. If I find a good home, I will be willing to fit char choice into guild requirments.

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Damn right! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ok here’s what I have from this post and from contacts in game and paying people with alcohol (sorry it’s 24 hours late but got called into work yesterday :slight_smile: )


Marbat (Warrior)
Bomm (Warrior)
Chuxie (Warrior)(? didn’t name spec)

If needed
Refardem (Warrior)


Refardem (Polgara) (Mage)
Aldor (guessing Mage or Rogue)
Furylicious (Warrior)
Bobby P (Mage) - possibly (Warrior)
Frostbreeze (Holka) (Hunter)
Tsuyoshi (Rogue)
Tsuyoshi’s friend (Warlock)
Tidios (Hunter) maybe (Priest)


McKitchen (Holy Paladin)
Refardem (if needed) (Holy Paladin)
Preastor (Priest)
Callii (One of the healing classes :))

Possibly joining

Doriana (Druid Healer)
Martine (Druid)

I’ve probably missed someone if so, I apologise and poke me - especially in the current WoW guild, forgotten who said they wanted to play.

Probably at launch Mckitchen and I will start around IF as wanted to play mage initially (Polgara) and he’ll need someone to kill stuff so we’ll get the charter up and running if anyone would like to add me in game it’s Refardem#2549 I’ll be resetting everything next week as not in work and will redo discord etc and post it here asap.