Buff Blood DK tankiness

after little (again blood dk damage needs to be increased more because its only tank doesnt have raid buff, or give raid buff) dmg buffs, blizz should increase bdk tankiness, revert DRW changes, revert bloodshield changes!!!

Blizzard Sees Death grip as an Exchange for the “Missing” Raid buff. On the other Hand, yes Blood DK suffers a lot with how Raid Fights and m+ are feeling now. Some of These problemes could be fixed by reverting the DS Changes that would give Blood more flexibality in pulls. Other problems are a Bit Harder to solve, the initial threat of Blood is very poor and offen leads to meele death in m+ at the start of a Pull, Blood also has more 100 to 0 hits in TWW than ever before the Defensive tool kit is just not Made for this enviorment.

That being Said Blizzard normaly does not adress Tank balancing mid Season unless it’s major spec Updates Like Prot Paladin in TWW or their rework in 10.0.7

If we are talking about fun - then yes, revert the DS and BS changes. That living on the edge minmax gameplay was always super fun and engaging. Currently, BDK is still fine, it is just a lot more boring. Gone is the 1 to 100 global into global gameplay. Simply put, that kind of playstyle while fun, is a huge issue for Raids (where BDK turns immortal when they start overgearing the content).

If your goal is just 10s, don’t worry, around 625 ilvl it stops feeling god aweful to play BDK. Around 635 it starts feeling “ok”, not fun like old, but it is ok. It is the classic “in the name of balance fun begone!” dev approach. Or more commonly known: “Fun detected”

The threat issue is really just a DPS wait 3 sec issue, so a non-issue. Just let the DPS flop that haven’t learned to wait for DND to drop and count to three.

A real issue is of course how squish BDK can be Vs white-hits in sync. This is particulary dangerous when you play in PuGs where a lot of players chose to AoE stop all the mobs, syncing them up and forcing you to stagger the mob melee’s out again with DND slow. Not much can be done about this BDK weakness with how the spec works.

Ever had that moment of “I am alive and now I am dead, but purgatory didnt even proc?” Well, this is a bug that has been since forever. It happens when the damage events counts the damage as one event and that event is bigger than the allowed absorption of Purgatory in pre-mitigated damage. As it can only absorb ‘this much damage’, it is not unlimited. Yes, this number is calculated before you reduce the damage taken and as such it gives you those “what?” moments. You get killed by damage you could’ve surived as Purgatory tells the game “I got overkilled, gg greyscreen next”, not actually careing you would have lived that global with your DRs activated.

You could easily replicate this in Freehold masspulls, where you sync’d white hits easily, back in the day. Don’t worry, has been reported multiple times. It likely will never be fixed.

Yeah, BDK isn’t in a terrible spot. Other than its old issues now added with a lot less fun gameplay. It can’t really be buffed, only reverted or reworked. As if you increase the armor values, you only move the key level before the problem or bugs reappears. Increase DRW and parry uptime, then you quickly approach SL situation again - where you become simply too strong (and pray that parry RNG gods are on your side). Guess they could buff BDK health pool by ‘a lot’ to reach the tankiness wanted compared to other specs… but that would require constant tuning and a lot of data - guess, they could reduce the power of DS even more and continue increase the HP of BDK to give healers something to fill, or a healing absorb from damage taken BDK can not fix themselves… It is messy. Rework material.

Not much that can be done, really. Especially if you try to also balance it for raid.


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