The kiddies don’t care about PvP, they only want the gear. No gear = no kiddies.
I’m 46. I only want gear.
Im seeing fairly even numbers, areas where lots of fighting happens (the tortolan area in stormsong) went back and forth between who outnumbered yesterday, you do get times you see shards with multible bounties and tend to stay away from those ones since that usualy means a disparancy in numbers on that shard, but on a whole not too much of a issue right now since they arent rewarded for ganking you anymore.
Early days, but looking good at 15%.
Seems like a better balance of wpvpers in shards now… could be, or just shard luck. Hope it continues anyway, and reaches 10% for optimum balance of wpvpers in shards.
Horde non wpvpers could be tempted to wm back on, now that alliance are less aggressive without kill quest. Pound those non wpvpers!
Being a kiddie is not related to age, but to behavior. You have immature people of any age.
Good job. If the balance thing is happening, which suggests it is, then great. Working as intended.
Also at the invasion we’re trying to do the quest to slay the orc but the horde won’t let us they camp the quest this’s why we needs the 30% and the quest as then the horde or rather the scourge cannot act so evil.
Well, I’m not too bothered. The XP is just a bonus. I’m sure that when I eventually bother to level Horde characters I’d prefer it if the bonus was balanced between factions.
thats not really a exclusive horde issue though. I have seen plenty of examples of alliance doing the exact same thing. Best bet is to try and join a group on a different shard. Not a ideal solution I know but best we have.
Yeah okay mate.
Since 8.1 pretty much all assault quests that I’ve done across 5 120 characters have had to deal with massive groups of Alliance camping the area.
With a 10% bonus. While you got your 30% bonus. And free welfare item.
We did but they were like around 10-20 horde you just pretendt wm’s not broken atm yet it is.
Oh you cannot handle getting to be the ones there’s getting ganked?
IF WM gets broken again it will becouse of the alliance not wanting to take part if there isnt some unfair insentive for them. Numbers got back to safe levels its why the quest disapeared. If it goes back up it just means the alliance are pathetic. I hope they arent it can work like this right now.
No the horde’s perphatic they refuse to 1vs1 yestoday i 1vs1 an orc warrior and what did he/she do he/she ran away and we were around the same item level. And no matter what you hordies say you just further proves my point that you’re northing more but spoiled brats there only see wm broken if it happens to you and not to us.
You want people to 1v1 in War Mode? That’d be Duel Mode.
I don’t mind 3vs3 but the horde claim they’re so good yet they refuse to do any 1vs1 While The Grand Alliance dosen’t.
I mean, you could just make a big group yourself to counter it with.
your a palidan, I dont recal a warrior ever being able to 1v1 a palidan. I dont blame him for running away. Its not a duel its a battle of survival
What are you talking about?
Says that Loladin who, as demonstrated through his QQ posts, is the one who cannot handle getting ganked?
Also, I didn’t say what you think I said. I’d ask you to reread, but you’d only come to the same wrong conclusion twice anyway.
Have fun working for your bonuses now pal.
If they do that me and many others will unsub as blizzard needs to favor both factions and not just the dumb horde and if ion cannot get that he needs to go then.
Bwhahahahahaha! Are you for real?