Buff Earth Shield SOD

Hey Blizzard, Earth Shield is so bad in SoD compared to other insta heals from other classes. If youre not adding Riptide, you need to buff Earth Shield or at least look into the scaling cuz at level 40 the tooltip still says ‘‘heal the shielded target for 100’’.
It’s mad weak please make it more viable in PvP.


Yes it is really bad atm. They forgot to make it scale with level. And that rune would have been our only chance to cast a lava burst without 8s casting (from pushback and flame shock applicaton) at 20m yard range…
There was a bluepost yesterday for upcoming fixes on the 21st of february. Nothing on earthshield, again… shamans really feel neglected atm. Amazing tank spec, but elemental and healing spec are really bad because of poor runes synergies, especially compared to other classes

Ye kinda feels like they forgot about resto shamans alltogether unfortunately, just look at the top performing healers. Spoiler, it’s priests again due to runes being OP this phase again. God damnit im sick of having to overperform to stay slightly above them on the ladders…

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