Buff Feral defensively or Nerf hunters, dks, wws, evokers, rogues

What the title says.
Its just uncomprehensive how im forced open in every shuffle.
I cant do anything i pop my bear when they’re bursting me - i soak the stun correctly, i pop my barkskin when i need to - i even manage to drop a cyclone on the enemy healer and later on one of the dpses im still forced to trade off my Survival Instincts at 0.0005 seconds of entering cat form.
Results ? Im dead. thats the result.
Im farming that 2.2 hard but the class just doesnt allow me to climb higher without being a machenical genius. And problem is not that the game requires you to be a genius to operate it , the problem is that for the most classes it does not, therefore it shouldnt be the case for ferals either.
Nerf these classasses or buff my sorry bum so i can go back to enjoying the GAME God dang it.

And now i know this will go to the echo becasue these devs, man they’re on vocation now.

i agree, feral defensives are a joke and im so sick of getting rolled every game by some ungabungas, wearing a red shirt saying: hey kill me pls

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