Buff hpally plaese

can we have hpally as strong healer for once? this class been c tier since sl s1 nerfs which is virtually 2020. 4 years straight .



Its the class fantasy that drag us down.
On paper h pala should be one of the best but…

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Hpaly suffers the same as dk, because of the large amount of anti cc and breaks they have, So blizzard makes them unviable because they utterly break high level games if they are viable in terms of damage and output.

I expect fat dk nerfs and no buffs to paly same as dragonflight season 1 where dk got gutted and paly remained bad all expac.

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i agree been trying to main it for very long time and multiple seasons in DF but i gave up on it , priest feels x100 better than this piece of garbage that sadly makes me abandon it

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The spec died imo when they removed holy light cast speed increase on infusion procs.


i agree the specs feels so worthless now

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